5 Costco Food Items That Are a Waste of Money

Understand what not to buy in bulk at Costco, from perishable produce to spices. Shop wisely and avoid wasting money! 

Buying fresh fruits and veggies in bulk at Costco can lead to food waste since they can't be stored long at room temperature. Getting them from local farmers' markets or in smaller quantities is often better.

1. Fruits and Veggies 

Costco's large spice and condiment jars may lose flavor before you finish them. Consider buying smaller quantities more frequently elsewhere for better freshness and value.

2. Spices and Condiments 

Soda isn't necessarily cheaper at Costco, and buying in bulk can lead to overconsumption. You can find similar or cheaper prices at regular grocery stores.

3. Drinks 

Avoid large cereal boxes at Costco if you prefer variety. Buying smaller quantities at regular stores is more practical, especially during sales.

4. Cereals 

While Costco offers bakery products at good prices, they might not taste as fresh, and the quantities can be too much for a single household. Local bakeries may have better-quality options.

5. Bakery Products 

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