7 Things You Must Buy at
While on a Retirement Budget
1. Prescription Meds: Save up to 80% on prescriptions for family & pets, like Lisinopril for $7.99.
2. Gas: Costco pumps offer savings at $2.99/gal for regular, plus high-quality Kirkland Signature Gasoline.
3. Eyeglasses: Get glasses from $59.99 with free adjustments, quality lenses, and major vision plan acceptance.
4. Gift Cards: Enjoy discounted cards for entertainment & dining, like AMC tickets for $39.99 or $50 Cinemark card for $39.99.
5. Hearing Aids: Save on hearing aids, starting at $1,499.99, lower than many alternatives.
6. Toilet Paper: Bulk buy Kirkland Signature Bath Tissue (30-pack) for $23.49, saving compared to other brands.
7. Laundry Detergent: Get Tide and Kirkland Signature detergents at competitive prices, saving on essentials.
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