8 Best Costco Items You Can’t Find Anywhere Else

1. Crazy Cuisine Orange Chicken: Air-fry for crispy perfection; 66-ounce bag, $14.49.

2. Kirkland Signature Whisky: Rare Japanese options; unbeatable Costco prices.

3. Kasia's Pierogies: Nostalgic Polish comfort; air-fry for quick indulgence, $9.59.

4. Kirkland Signature Bacon: Thick-cut, smoky goodness; 4 pounds for $10.99.

5. Jongga Kimchi: Exclusive Costco pick; versatile, probiotic-rich, 42.3 oz jar, $6.99.

6. Costco's Rotisserie Chicken: Huge, versatile, and affordable; whole bird, $4.99.

7. Hannah Foods Falafel Patties: Ready-to-eat; air-fry for crispiness; 32 oz bag, $9.89.

8. Kirkland Signature Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese: Quality, flavor, and value; $12.99 per pound.

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