8 Easy Science Experiments Using Materials You Already Have On Hand

1. Make a lava lamp with vegetable oil, water, and Alka-Seltzer tablets.

2. Create a balloon rocket by blowing up a balloon, taping a straw to it, and stringing the straw along a piece of string.

3. Mix vinegar and baking soda to create a homemade volcano.

4. Make a rainbow in a glass by layering different densities of liquids, such as corn syrup, water, and dish soap.

5. Experiment with static electricity by rubbing a balloon on your hair and watching it stick to a wall.

6. Create a simple electromagnet using a battery, a nail, and some copper wire.

7. Make a simple motor using a battery, a magnet, and some wire.

8. Test the pH of common household liquids, such as lemon juice and baking soda, using red cabbage juice as an indicator.