8 Python Projects for All Levels of Expertise

1. Temperature Converter: Develop a tool that converts between Celsius and Fahrenheit. 

2. Basic Calculator: Design a calculator that can perform basic arithmetic operations. 

3. Number Guessing Game: Build a game where the computer generates a random number and the player has to guess it. 

4. To-Do List App: Create a simple command-line app to manage tasks. 

5. Data Visualization Dashboard: Construct a web-based dashboard using a library like Dash to visualize data from a CSV file. 

6. E-commerce System: Build a basic online shopping system with product listings, a shopping cart, and checkout functionality.

7. Personal Diary: Create a desktop app to let users write and save their personal diary entries. 

8. Web Scraping Bot: Write a script to extract data from a website using libraries like BeautifulSoup. 

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