Importance of Statistics in Decision Making

Making wise decisions is essential to the success of any enterprise or group. Sadly, the contrary is also true: failing to create a culture that encourages efficient, fact-based decision-making may be disastrous.

1. Most people are inclined to gravitate toward the familiar, especially when it has proven successful in the past.

2. Daniel Kahneman won the economics Nobel Prize for his research on how people make decisions.

3. He came to the conclusion that people primarily make decisions in two ways:

a) A quick, simple technique, and b) a more deliberate, evidence-based, and gradual approach

4. In a time when more data than ever is being produced, accessing and using statistics is a crucial tool in decision-making.

5. Using statistical analysis, a company or organisation may collect and comprehend data segments to find patterns  and -->

Other facts that affect success in the past and the future.