9 Machine Learning Projects for All Levels 

1. House Price Prediction: Predict house prices using regression techniques based on multiple features.

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2. Sentiment Analysis: Analyze text data to classify opinions as positive, negative, or neutral using NLP.

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3. Stock Price Prediction: Forecast stock market trends by applying time-series analysis and machine learning.

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4. Image Classification: Use CNNs to categorize images into different classes like animals, objects, or scenes.

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5. Chatbot Development: Build an intelligent chatbot using natural language processing and deep learning algorithms.

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6. Spam Detection: Create a model to detect spam emails by training on email text features using classification.

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7. Handwriting Recognition: Develop a system that can recognize handwritten digits using neural networks.

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8. Recommendation System: Build a recommendation engine to suggest movies or products based on user behavior.

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9. Fraud Detection: Train a model to identify fraudulent transactions using anomaly detection techniques.

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