1. Spring - A popular framework with a modular design for building robust, scalable and maintainable applications.
2. Hibernate - An ORM framework that simplifies the interaction between Java applications and databases.
3. Struts - A framework that implements the MVC pattern and provides a robust set of tools for building web applications.
4. Vaadin - A UI framework that simplifies the development of web applications by providing ready-to-use UI components.
5. Grails - A web application framework that follows the convention over configuration paradigm and runs on the JVM.
6. Play - A lightweight, stateless web framework that offers a high level of productivity for building web applications.
7. Apache Wicket - A component-based web framework that enables the creation of reusable UI components.
8. Dropwizard - A framework for building RESTful web services that provides out-of-the-box operational tools.
9. Spark - A lightweight web framework that offers a simple, yet powerful API for building web applications.
10. GWT - A framework for building complex web applications in Java that compiles Java code into optimized JavaScript.