Trending Programming Languages 2024
: Memory-safe, high-performance; ideal for systems programming and safe concurrency.
2. Python: Dominates AI, data science, and automation; keeps growing in popularity.
3. Go: Efficient and scalable; perfect for cloud-native apps and microservices.
4. Kotlin: Preferred for Android; concise syntax and full Java interoperability.
5. TypeScript: Enhanced JavaScript with type safety; essential for large-scale web apps.
6. Swift: Apple's choice for iOS/macOS apps; combines power with ease of use.
7. Julia: Excels in numerical and scientific computing; gaining traction in data science.
8. Dart: Powering Flutter; ideal for cross-platform mobile apps with a single codebase.
9. R: Specialized in statistics and data analysis; critical for data science.
10. Elixir: Functional language; known for scalable, fault-tolerant web applications.
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