Best Books for Data Science To Be a Master Of Data Science

Best Books On Data Science

Do you want to be a Data scientist and looking for the best books for data science? Your search ends here because you will know the different books that will help you be a master of Data Science.

Data Science is the most emerging field nowadays and has become the topic of the town. It will be more innovative and challenging in the future, likely two decades. Data science jobs are highly paid and worthwhile. It involves programming, machine learning, probability, statics, mathematics, and other skills. Data Science is booming rapidly, so it will be a promising career for job seekers if they have the above skills and different concepts and techniques. 

Books can help you be a data scientist as it is a conventional method to learn data science. In this article, we will discuss the best books for data science. Before talking about these books, it is essential to know the basic information about data science.

What is Data Science?

Are you Confused between Data Science and Data Analytics?

Data Science works to find relationships that may be useful for the business by connecting information and data points. On the other hand, data analytics helps to achieve the goal of an organization by combining sets of data used for intelligent findings.

 In simple words, Data Science focuses on generative modeling and machine learning as it is a mixture of algorithm development, predictive modeling, and data inference to solve complicated problems of business. However, Data Analytics is based on analyzing the historical data.

Data Science as a Career

Choosing data science as a career is a smart move. It is not only vague but also offers a handsome salary. This field has many applications across different industries. For instance, data is used by food suppliers to avoid food waste and by farmers for good production, etc. There are many in-demand jobs in this field that are future-oriented. For example-

  1. Data Scientist
  2. Machine Learning Scientist
  3. Enterprise Architect
  4. Data Engineer
  5. Data Analyst and so on.
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Best Books For Data Science

There are many best books for data science, but we are listing a few so that you can get help from these books in your Data Science career. Let’s discuss some books for beginners.

1. The Art Of Data Science

Writer- Roger D. Peng and Eligabeth Matsui

 This book focuses on the underlying stories that can be obtained from the data analysis and its filtration. Both the authors are experienced in managing data projects and share their journey in this book. They discussed what is beneficial for a data project and what drawbacks make it fail. Hence to start your path as a data scientist, you can read the Art of Data Science, One of the best books for data science.

2. Doing Data Science-Straight Talk From The Frontline

Writer- Cathy O’ Neil and Rachel Schutt

This book is one of the best guides to be a data scientist as it is based on Columbia University’s Introduction to Data Science. To make the data science course accessible to the public, data consultant Cathy O” Neil associates with a data science trainer “Rachel Schutt”. They include case studies besides good lectures on data science and covers methods, data visualization, algorithms to make this technical course practical.

So if you want to clear all your doubts and concepts of data science, this book can help you in a better way.

3. Data Science For Dummies

Writer- Lillian Pierson

The data science for dummies demonstrates a broad overview of data science and a good resource for beginners to get familiar with the concepts and applications of this field in our daily life. It also covers terms data engineering, machine learning, algorithms, data visualization, programming languages, and artificial intelligence. If you are curious to know about data science, then this is a perfect fit for you.

4. Data Jujitsu-The Art Of Turning Data into Product

Writer- DJ Patil

DJ Patil is a former data scientist of the United States Office of Science and Technology Policy and was rewarded for generating the concept ‘data science’. In his book ‘Data Jujitsu’ he presents data science as a problem-solving mindset. He suggests that complications can be handled in parts, or complex problems can be solved when we break them into pieces and teach how to examine these problems through data analysis. He provides many examples in this book to explain data science. So this is a good start if you are looking for data science in simple words.

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5. Big Data- A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think

Writer- Viktor Mayer-Schonberger and Kenneth Cukier

The book focuses on data impacts in our daily life from personal to business lever how it affects us. It also involves Individual and government scientific disciplines. It is a very interesting book as we can learn concepts from implementing them in our practical life. You can go with this book if you want to reveal more about this worthwhile field.

Also Read

Best Books For Data Science For Advance People

1. Data Science From Scratch-First Principles With Python

Writer-Joel Gurus

In this book, you will learn math and statistics that are considered the core of data science. Hacking skills also you can learn from this book to be a data scientist. It covers Naive Bayes, decision trees, implement k- nearest neighbors, linear and logistic regression, and clustering model. Natural language processing and network analysis are also discussed in this book that is important for a data scientist.

2. Designing Data-Intensive Applications

Writer- Martin Kleppmann

It helps to learn the advantages and disadvantages of different technologies in the processing and storing of data. Designing Data assists architects and software engineers in using data in advanced applications. This book also covers the various tools’ positive and negative aspects and navigates the other factors. If you want to explore your knowledge in data science, you can go with this bool.

3. Practical Statistics For Data Scientist-50 Essential Concepts 

Writer-Peter Bruce

If you are an R programmer and familiar with statistics, this book is easy to understand. This book suggests to you what is essential or what is not. If you are already a data scientist, you can read this book to enhance your knowledge.

4. Hands-On Machine Learning 

Writer- Aurelien Geron

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Hands-On Machine Learning provides you the assistance of building intelligent systems with the help of different concepts and tools. It also helps you learn several techniques, such as progressing to deep neural networks and simple linear regression. If you have programming experience, you can apply all chapters of this book in your learning. Hence it is one of the best books for data science to hone your skills.

5. Thinking With Data

Writer- Max Sharon

Max Sharon provides techniques for converting data into knowledge. He also represented a framework for defining your project. It involves the collection of data and its analysis. Thinking with a data book will help you to develop more powerful arguments and patterns of reasoning. So to be a master of data science, use this book as it covers all the concepts of this emerging field.


To wrap it up data science is the most preferred field nowadays that offers many job opportunities to the potential job seekers with a handsome salary package. One can be a data scientist if he acquires all the skills needed for the job and dedication and consistency should be there. You can be a data science expert by many sources like the online (internet, websites) and offline sources (books). You can go for the best books for data science to hone your skills regarding this valuable field as mentioned earlier. Get the best data science assignments for beginners from our experts at lowest charges.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Many questions thrive when we are going to pursue data science as a career. Although the above best books for data science are sufficient to answer your question, we will try to answer your most asked questions.

What should be the age to be a data scientist?

No age limit is there to be a data scientist. If you are dedicated and passionate about your goal and old enough, you can make your career in data science. Your skills matter rather than your age.

What should be the educational background?

At least a Bachelor’s degree in data science or computer science and any closely related field is required to start your career in data science. Few jobs also seek a master’s degree as a requirement, but they also need to learn many skills online.

What is the average salary of a data scientist?

The average salary of a data scientist in India is Rs. 500,000 for fresher, while for the experienced person, it is around Rs. 610,811 per annum. On the other hand, in the USA, it is $184,000 for freshers, and for an experienced person, it is $1628,000 annually.

What data scientists do in simple words?

The job of a data scientist revolves around the data, as the name suggests. They collect data, analyze it, and shape this data to extract meaningful insights for the businesses.

What are the sources to be an expert in Data Science?

If you are curious about anything and dedicated to your goal, you will ultimately find the path to follow it. To be an expert in data science, you have many sources like online courses, offline courses, websites, and books. You can read the above given best books for data science to achieve your dream or follow other sources