150+ Position Paper Topics: How to Choose the Perfect Issue to Advocate For

position paper topics

In the realm of academic writing, position papers are a unique genre. They require students and professionals to take a clear stance on a particular issue and support their position with well-researched arguments. Choosing the right position paper topics is a crucial first step in the process. 

In this blog post, we will explore the art of selecting the perfect position paper topic, offering guidance, and a list of compelling ideas to get you started.

What is Position Paper?

A position paper is a concise document that states and defends a particular position on an issue. These papers are commonly used in various academic settings, including debates, Model United Nations conferences, and more. While the format and style of position papers may vary, the importance of selecting the right topic remains constant.

Importance of Choosing a Good Position Paper Topic

Selecting the right topic for your position paper is crucial for several reasons. 

  • First and foremost, it influences the quality of your paper. 
  • A well-chosen topic will make it easier for you to present a convincing argument, while a poorly chosen one may lead to a weak, unconvincing paper. 
  • Additionally, a good topic should resonate with your audience, engage their interest, and spark a productive discussion.
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How to Choose the Strong Position Paper Topics?

Research and Familiarity

One of the primary keys to selecting a strong position paper topic is thorough research and familiarity with the issue at hand. Without proper research, it’s challenging to present a well-informed and convincing argument.

  • The importance of being knowledgeable about the topic

Before committing to a topic, ask yourself if you have a reasonable understanding of the issue. If you’re not familiar with it, you’ll need to invest time in researching and learning about the topic. The more you know, the better you can argue your position.

  • How to conduct effective research

Effective research involves using reliable sources, such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites. Make use of online databases, libraries, and academic search engines. Don’t forget to critically evaluate your sources to ensure their credibility.

Relevance and Timeliness

Position papers should address issues that are both relevant and timely. Topics that are currently in the public eye are more likely to engage your readers and foster meaningful discussions.

  • The significance of choosing current and relevant topics

Addressing current and relevant topics allows you to connect with your audience on issues that matter to them. It demonstrates your awareness of the world around you and your ability to engage in timely debates.

  • Tips for finding timely issues

To find timely issues, read the news, follow social media, and stay updated on the latest developments in various fields. You can also explore academic journals and reports to identify emerging trends and issues.

Controversy and Debate

Choosing a topic that is controversial or subject to debate can make for an excellent position paper. Controversial issues tend to generate strong opinions, making it easier for you to argue your stance.

  • Why controversial topics make for good position papers

Controversy generates interest and engagement. It encourages readers to pay attention and consider different viewpoints, making your position paper more compelling.

  • Identifying contentious issues
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Look for topics that spark debates among experts, politicians, or the general public. Controversy can be found in various domains, including politics, ethics, technology, and more.

Personal Interest

While the relevance and controversy of a topic are vital, your personal interest in the subject matter should not be underestimated. Choosing a topic you’re passionate about can significantly enhance your writing process.

  • The role of personal passion in choosing a topic

When you’re genuinely interested in a topic, it becomes easier to engage with the research and develop a persuasive argument. Your enthusiasm can shine through in your writing, making your position paper more compelling.

  • Balancing personal interest with the topic’s suitability

It’s essential to strike a balance between personal interest and the topic’s suitability for your audience and purpose. Your passion should align with the goals of the position paper and the expectations of your audience.

150+ Position Paper Topic Ideas: Category Wise

To help you kickstart your research and writing process, here’s a list of position paper topic ideas in various categories.

Social Issues

  1. Universal Basic Income: Is it a viable solution to poverty?
  2. LGBTQ+ Rights: Advocating for equal rights and acceptance.
  3. Gun Control: Balancing the right to bear arms and public safety.
  4. Racial Profiling: Addressing racial bias in law enforcement.
  5. Human Trafficking: Combating modern-day slavery globally.
  6. Sex Education in Schools: Promoting comprehensive or abstinence-only programs.
  7. Immigration Reform: The path to citizenship and border security.
  8. Privacy vs. National Security: Striking a balance in surveillance.
  9. Affordable Housing: Strategies for addressing housing affordability.
  10. Hate Speech: Balancing free speech and hate crime prevention.

Environmental Concerns

  1. Renewable Energy: Transitioning to a greener energy future.
  2. Climate Change Mitigation: Strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Deforestation: Protecting global forests and biodiversity.
  4. Plastic Pollution: Reducing single-use plastics and waste.
  5. Water Scarcity: Sustainable management of water resources.
  6. Endangered Species Protection: Conservation efforts and policies.
  7. Fracking: Balancing energy needs and environmental concerns.
  8. Ocean Conservation: Protecting marine ecosystems and resources.
  9. Sustainable Agriculture: Promoting eco-friendly farming practices.
  10. E-Waste Management: Addressing electronic waste disposal.

Political and Governmental Topics

  1. Electoral College Reform: Changing the U.S. presidential election system.
  2. Cybersecurity: Protecting critical infrastructure from cyber threats.
  3. Gerrymandering: Addressing political redistricting for fair representation.
  4. Term Limits for Politicians: Impacts on governance and democracy.
  5. International Trade: Free trade agreements and tariffs.
  6. National Healthcare: Advocating for universal healthcare or private options.
  7. Nuclear Disarmament: Promoting global peace and disarmament.
  8. Mandatory Voting: The pros and cons of compulsory voting.
  9. Separation of Church and State: Balancing religion and government.
  10. Lobbying and Influence: Regulations on political lobbying.

Health and Wellness

  1. Vaccination Mandates: Balancing public health and personal choice.
  2. Mental Health Stigma: Reducing stigma and increasing support.
  3. Healthcare for All: Achieving equitable healthcare access.
  4. Legalization of Assisted Suicide: End-of-life choices and ethics.
  5. Childhood Obesity: Preventing and addressing the epidemic.
  6. Addiction Treatment: Expanding access to rehabilitation services.
  7. Universal Healthcare: The feasibility and benefits of a single-payer system.
  8. Opioid Crisis Response: Combating opioid addiction and overdose.
  9. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): Labeling and regulation.
  10. Aging Population: Preparing for the challenges of an aging society.

Education and Technology

  1. Online Learning: The future of education in a digital world.
  2. Artificial Intelligence in Education: AI’s impact on learning.
  3. Net Neutrality: Supporting or opposing net neutrality regulations.
  4. Educational Equity: Addressing disparities in educational outcomes.
  5. School Vouchers: The role of vouchers in education choice.
  6. Digital Privacy Education: Teaching digital privacy in schools.
  7. Student Loan Debt: Solutions to the student debt crisis.
  8. Censorship in Education: Balancing academic freedom and censorship.
  9. STEM Education: Promoting science, technology, engineering, and math.
  10. Homeschooling: Advocating for or against homeschooling regulations.

Ethical and Moral Dilemmas

  1. Euthanasia: Legalizing physician-assisted suicide.
  2. Animal Rights: Ethical treatment and rights for animals.
  3. Capital Punishment: Arguments for and against the death penalty.
  4. Cloning: The ethics of human cloning and stem cell research.
  5. Ethical AI: Developing and regulating artificial intelligence responsibly.
  6. Designer Babies: Genetic engineering and ethical concerns.
  7. Right to Privacy: Balancing personal privacy with national security.
  8. Torture: The morality and effectiveness of torture in interrogation.
  9. Human Genetic Editing: Ethical considerations in gene editing.
  10. Corporate Social Responsibility: The role of corporations in society.

Global Affairs and International Relations

  1. Nuclear Proliferation: Preventing the spread of nuclear weapons.
  2. Humanitarian Interventions: The ethics of military interventions.
  3. UN Security Council Reform: Expanding or reforming the UNSC.
  4. Cyber Warfare: Rules and regulations in cyberspace conflicts.
  5. Refugee Crisis: Addressing the global refugee and asylum crisis.
  6. Peacekeeping Missions: Evaluating the effectiveness of peacekeepers.
  7. China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Implications for global geopolitics.
  8. Regional Autonomy: Promoting or limiting autonomy for regions.
  9. Israel-Palestine Conflict: Pathways to a lasting peace.
  10. United Nations Relevance: The role of the UN in modern geopolitics.
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Economic Policy

  1. Minimum Wage: Raising the minimum wage and its impacts.
  2. Universal Basic Income: A safety net for the modern economy.
  3. Taxation of the Wealthy: Progressive tax policies.
  4. Trade Wars: The effects of tariffs and trade disputes.
  5. Economic Inequality: Addressing the wealth gap.
  6. National Debt: Strategies for managing and reducing national debt.
  7. Consumer Data Privacy: Balancing business and consumer interests.
  8. Cryptocurrency Regulation: Government oversight of digital currencies.
  9. Universal Basic Services: Expanding access to essential services.
  10. Economic Growth vs. Environmental Protection: Balancing priorities.

Criminal Justice

  1. Sentencing Reform: Alternatives to mandatory minimum sentences.
  2. Juvenile Justice: Treating youth offenders and rehabilitation.
  3. Prison Privatization: Public vs. private prison management.
  4. Police Accountability: Balancing police powers and oversight.
  5. Restorative Justice: Alternative approaches to criminal justice.
  6. Body Cameras: Mandating police body cameras for transparency.
  7. Three-Strikes Laws: The effectiveness and fairness of such laws.
  8. Cybercrime Laws: Addressing the challenges of cybercrime.
  9. Death Penalty: The case for and against capital punishment.
  10. Drug Decriminalization: Alternatives to the war on drugs.

Military and Defense

  1. Military Spending: Budget allocation and military preparedness.
  2. Women in Combat: Expanding roles for women in the military.
  3. Conscription: Mandatory military service and its merits.
  4. Autonomous Weapons: The ethics of autonomous military technology.
  5. Cybersecurity and Warfare: Strategies for cyber defense and offense.
  6. Nuclear Disarmament: Reducing global nuclear arsenals.
  7. Military Alliances: The role and effectiveness of alliances.
  8. Military Bases Abroad: The impact of foreign military presence.
  9. Veterans’ Services: Support for veterans after deployment.
  10. Asymmetric Warfare: Challenges in fighting non-traditional threats.

Business and Corporate World

  1. Competition and Monopolies: Addressing antitrust concerns.
  2. Corporate Tax Avoidance: Strategies to prevent tax evasion.
  3. Environmental Responsibility: Corporate efforts in sustainability.
  4. Intellectual Property: Balancing innovation and intellectual property rights.
  5. Corporate Governance: The role of boards and executives.
  6. Workplace Diversity: Promoting diverse and inclusive workplaces.
  7. Employee Rights: Labor rights and protections.
  8. Ethical Marketing: Truth in advertising and ethical practices.
  9. Data Breach Reporting: Regulations on data breaches and notifications.
  10. Online Privacy Policies: Transparency in online data collection.

Healthcare and Medical Ethics

  1. Organ Donation: Promoting organ donation and transplantation.
  2. Human Cloning: Ethical and medical implications.
  3. Stem Cell Research: The use of embryonic stem cells.
  4. Drug Pricing: Addressing the cost of prescription medications.
  5. Health Insurance Reform: Strategies for affordable healthcare coverage.
  6. Medical Marijuana: Legalization and its impact on healthcare.
  7. Euthanasia: The ethics of assisted suicide in healthcare.
  8. Telemedicine: Expanding access to remote healthcare services.
  9. Mental Health Parity: Equal insurance coverage for mental health.
  10. Healthcare for Undocumented Immigrants: Access to care for all.

Science and Technology

  1. Space Exploration: The benefits and challenges of space exploration.
  2. Artificial Intelligence Ethics: Regulating AI for ethical use.
  3. Genetic Engineering: The ethics of gene editing and modification.
  4. Quantum Computing: The potential and risks of quantum computing.
  5. Internet Censorship: The impact of government restrictions online.
  6. 5G Technology: The future of mobile communication.
  7. Cybersecurity Regulations: Legal frameworks for online security.
  8. Data Privacy and Security: Balancing privacy and data protection.
  9. AI in Healthcare: The role of AI in medical diagnosis and treatment.
  10. 3D Printing: Implications for industry and intellectual property.

Education and Academic Policies

  1. Standardized Testing: The role and impact of standardized tests.
  2. Homeschooling Regulations: Oversight of homeschooling programs.
  3. School Funding: Equity in funding for public schools.
  4. Teacher Pay: Addressing teacher salaries and compensation.
  5. Inclusive Education: Promoting inclusion for students with disabilities.
  6. Academic Freedom: Balancing free expression and university policies.
  7. School Discipline: Alternatives to punitive discipline in schools.
  8. Sex Education in Schools: Comprehensive vs. abstinence-only education.
  9. Student Loan Forgiveness: Strategies for reducing student debt.
  10. Bullying Prevention: Addressing bullying in schools.

Transportation and Infrastructure

  1. Public Transportation: Expanding public transit options.
  2. Autonomous Vehicles: Regulations for self-driving cars.
  3. Infrastructure Investment: Repairing and improving critical infrastructure.
  4. High-Speed Rail: The development of high-speed rail systems.
  5. Air Travel Security: Balancing security measures with convenience.
  6. Bike and Pedestrian Infrastructure: Promoting non-motorized transit.
  7. Electric Vehicles: The transition to electric transportation.
  8. Urban Planning: Strategies for sustainable and accessible cities.
  9. Airport Expansion: The need for expanded airport capacity.
  10. Transportation Emissions: Reducing emissions in the transportation sector.
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Social Media and Technology Ethics

  1. Online Hate Speech: Combating hate speech on social media.
  2. Social Media Privacy: Protecting user data and privacy.
  3. Internet Content Regulation: Government oversight of online content.
  4. Online Copyright Infringement: Addressing piracy and copyright issues.
  5. Deepfakes: Regulating the use of AI-generated content.
  6. Digital Addiction: Strategies for reducing screen time.
  7. Internet Censorship and Freedom: Balancing online rights and restrictions.
  8. Cyberbullying Prevention: Combating online harassment.
  9. AI and Job Displacement: Strategies for job security in an AI-driven world.
  10. Internet Access as a Human Right: Expanding access to the internet.

Family and Social Dynamics

  1. Parental Leave Policies: Supporting parental leave for working parents.
  2. Child Marriage: Addressing the issue of underage marriages.
  3. Aging Population: Strategies for supporting elderly citizens.
  4. Domestic Violence: Promoting awareness and intervention.
  5. Foster Care Reform: Improving the foster care system.
  6. Youth Empowerment: Encouraging youth participation and engagement.
  7. Family Planning and Birth Control: Access to family planning services.
  8. Child Abuse Prevention: Strategies for protecting children from abuse.
  9. Divorce and Custody Laws: Addressing issues in family law.
  10. LGBTQ+ Adoption Rights: Supporting LGBTQ+ individuals in adoption.

Food and Agriculture

  1. Factory Farming: Ethical concerns and alternatives in agriculture.
  2. Organic vs. Conventional Farming: Comparing farming methods.
  3. Food Security: Strategies for global food security and access.
  4. GMO Labeling: Regulations for labeling genetically modified organisms.
  5. Sustainable Fishing: Protecting marine resources and fisheries.
  6. Food Waste Reduction: Strategies for reducing food waste.
  7. Antibiotic Use in Livestock: Addressing antibiotic resistance.
  8. Land Conservation and Agriculture: Balancing land use for farming.
  9. Food Deserts: Strategies for addressing food deserts in urban areas.
  10. Plant-Based Diets: Promoting plant-based diets for health and the environment.

Immigration and Border Policies

  1. DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals): Advocating for DACA recipients.
  2. Sanctuary Cities: The role of sanctuary cities in immigration policies.
  3. Border Security: Balancing national security and border control.
  4. Asylum Seekers: Protecting the rights of asylum seekers.
  5. Refugee Resettlement: Strategies for welcoming and integrating refugees.
  6. Detention Centers: Addressing conditions and policies in detention centers.
  7. Immigration Enforcement: The role of ICE and immigration enforcement.
  8. Path to Citizenship: Advocating for a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
  9. Guest Worker Programs: Strategies for temporary labor programs.
  10. Immigration Detention Alternatives: Alternatives to detention for immigrants.

The Arts and Culture

  1. Cultural Appropriation: Addressing issues of cultural borrowing and respect.
  2. Public Art and Monuments: Balancing cultural representation and controversy.
  3. Censorship in the Arts: The limits of artistic expression.
  4. Copyright and Creative Commons: Expanding access to creative works.
  5. Art Education: Promoting the importance of arts in education.
  6. Film and Media Representation: Diversity and inclusion in media.
  7. Indigenous Rights in the Arts: Recognizing and respecting indigenous cultures.
  8. Art Funding: Supporting public funding for the arts.
  9. Literature and Freedom of Expression: The power and limits of words.
  10. Cultural Preservation: Strategies for preserving cultural heritage.

Gender and Women’s Rights

  1. Gender Pay Gap: Strategies for closing the gender wage gap.
  2. Women in Leadership: Promoting women in leadership positions.
  3. Maternity Leave: Supporting maternity leave policies.
  4. Reproductive Rights: Advocating for access to reproductive healthcare.
  5. Gender-Based Violence: Strategies to combat violence against women.
  6. Title IX: Addressing gender equity in education.
  7. Women in STEM: Promoting gender diversity in science and technology.
  8. Women in Politics: Advocating for women’s representation in government.
  9. Workplace Harassment: Combating harassment in the workplace.
  10. Child Marriage Prevention: Strategies for ending child marriages.

Tips for Narrowing Down Your Choice

Selecting a topic from the list above is just the first step. Here are some additional tips to help you refine your choice further:

Considering Your Audience

Tailor your topic to your audience. Think about what will resonate with them, what issues they are passionate about, and what will engage them in meaningful discussions.

Defining Your Stance

Before you start researching, clearly define your position on the chosen topic. Are you in favor of a specific policy or against it? Having a well-defined stance will guide your research and writing.

Consultation and Feedback

Don’t hesitate to seek advice and feedback from peers, mentors, or professors. Discussing your topic with others can help you refine your arguments and ensure that you’re on the right track.


Selecting the right position paper topics is a critical part of the writing process. It sets the stage for your research and argumentation, impacting the overall quality of your paper. 

Remember to conduct thorough research, choose a relevant and timely topic, embrace controversy, and consider your personal interests. 

By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a compelling and persuasive position paper.

So, go ahead and explore the list of position paper topic ideas provided in this blog. Find a topic that speaks to you, aligns with your goals, and resonates with your audience. 

Once you’ve made your choice, it’s time to delve into research, develop your arguments, and write a position paper that makes a difference.