255+ Research Topics Related To Community Problems. 

Research Topics Related To Community Problems

Global citizens experience various issues cutting across health, education, environment and social matters. Such studies will help to bring changes to such issues, as well as to help the policy makers and the ordinary citizens of the specific communities. The list below shows a wide variety of research topics focused on different community issues: You might go to any one you like depending on its interest and your area of specialization.

Research Topics Related To Community Problems in Health and Wellness

  1. Availability of professional assistance within geographically disadvantaged areas
  2. Overview of the effects of cheap health facilities on the wellbeing of the community
  3. Relationship between air pollution in urban areas and incidence of respiratory diseases
  4. Protecting children from obesity: the difference between urban and rural settings
  5. The effectiveness of substance abuse rehab for youths
  6. Inequalities in people’s health between groups in low-income areas and groups of affluent people
  7. The part of immunization in managing epidemics
  8. The effects of food deserts on community nutrition
  9. Speaking of mental health stigma in minorities
  10. Telemedicine in rural areas: Actual efficiency
  11. Preventing Teen Pregnancy In High-Risk Communities
  12. Community-level interventions in the management of chronic diseases
  13. The effect of homelessness on health outcomes and health care access
  14. Effectiveness of HL interventions on disease prevention
  15. Reproduction health facility utilization by young people in conservative settings
  16. Public Health Education in Prevention and Management of Emerging Pandemics
  17. Community resources in relation to opioid dependence
  18. Effectiveness of the mobile clinics in outreach health care.
  19. Appropriate programmes for children immunization in hard to reach places.
  20. Impact of community environmental toxins on the health of a community
  21. In order to develop an effective antidote to the instances of youth smoking in the low-income category, the following plans can be adopted.
  22. Integrated best practices for managing epidemic and pandemic diseases
  23. Social media impact on adolescents’ psychological well-being
  24. Dietary modification in low-income districts
  25. Meeting Social Rights of the Elderly through Providing Elderly Home Care Services in Rural Areas
  26. Climate change and global warming’s effects on the health of people in coasting areas
  27. The health consonants of children in one-parent families
  28. Measures on How to Prevent Domestic Violence within Communities
  29. Dental care for needy and poor families
  30. Healthcare delivery: Fate of the needy in the hands of NGOs
  31. Local outreach mental health services for veterans
  32. Impacts of Water Pollution on community health
  33. Promotion of sexually transmitted infection-related education
  34. Responses to the community gardening and food security questionnaire
  35. Understanding the part that schools play in enhancing student’s mental wellbeing
  36. Evaluating the fitness of community-based fitness programs
  37. Challenges to: Affordable health care for immigrants
  38. The position of health policy in the elimination of health inequities
  39. On the basis of the family structure, therefore, the health of adolescents can be influenced.
  40. Nutrition in food-inadequate areas
  41. Community pharmacy interventions and their potential place in health promotion
  42. Some problems associated with prenatal care in rural areas
  43. How successful are anti-smoking campaigns?
  44. Primary care services based on the gender of beneficiaries: a focus on areas with little access
  45. Effects of stress on the cardiovascular system among adults
  46. Constraints of PA in urban or metropolitan settings
  47. HIV/AIDS and other issues in marginalized groups
  48. Mental health funding by local governments
  49. Methods of minimizing infant mortality rates in low-income groups
  50. Dental health inequalities suffered by denizens of rural areas

Research Topics Related To Community Problems in  Education

  1. Possible measures to minimize the number of students leaving low-income schools
  2. The effects of early childhood education on academic performance
  3. The effects of school-going children funding on their performance
  4. The use of technology in the efforts towards closing the education divide
  5. Interference in intervention programs in schools against bullying
  6. Nala to support students with disabilities in Public schools
  7. The availability of after school care in areas that are considered to be of low income.
  8. Sex differences in STEM education
  9. Effects of standard achievement testing on learners
  10. Solutions for enhancing literacy level among adults
  11. Opportunity to enforce vocationally for residents in low-income areas
  12. Impact of computer-assisted instruction on disadvantaged students
  13. Parată initiate parent involvement in academic achievement
  14. The fifth major theme is teacher shortages in rural schools
  15. Evaluating programs for at-risk youths: A look at other nontraditional schooling platforms
  16. School closure effects as a concern of low-income families
  17. Resource in teaching non-english speaking learners
  18. Tackling racial inequities in postsecondary education enrollment
  19. Analyze the importance of the participants of the academic achievement in the functions of the programs of the mentorship.
  20. Effects of community libraries on literacy levels
  21. Introducing financial literacy as a subject to the high school classroom
  22. The adoption of the life skills program into the academic curriculum.
  23. The following topic of discussion is the effects of school meal programs on students’ health.
  24. Ways of Enhancing the use of the Internet in poverty-stricken communities
  25. Homelessness of students: needs and requirements
  26. In this paper, arts education and its impact on the academic performance of learners shall be discussed.
  27. Exploring factor influence, the impact of trauma on academic achievement
  28. School counselors as mental health care providers
  29. Our proposals for enhancing the delivery of STEM courses in rural schools
  30. Tackling the problem of college counseling in low-income schools
  31. Impact of class size on learning object
  32. Reducing learning losses caused by the COVID-19 outbreak in schools
  33. Improve parental-teacher communication and its effects on the performance of the learners
  34. The contribution of sports programs to youth in the community
  35. Methods of dealing with language in immigrant students’ education
  36. Impact of School Health Centers on Performance
  37. The part played by scholarships in decreasing college dropout rates
  38. Effects of social media to students’ learning
  39. Investigating the effectiveness of special education interventions
  40. Education for charities, special needs children, and those students in impoverished areas who have not paid for the privilege.
  42. Eradicating Gender Discrimination at School
  43. The available private resources are different from the public school resources, which may affect learning.
  44. Increasing access to quality science education for needy schools
  45. Education gaps and the role played by community college
  46. Impacts that Cultural representation has on the school curriculum
  47. Education reform in order to reduce youth unemployment
  48. Assessing the Performance of Charter Schools for Low-Income Students
  49. Community organization’s contribution towards school success.
  50. Challenges to retention rates in college: recommendations
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Research Topics Related To Community Problems in the Environment

  1. Organic actions they undertake to help cut the use of plastics
  2. Managing food waste across urban neighborhoods
  3. Effects of urban spread on the release of energy on local ecosystems
  4. Extending on the above step it means launching recycling programs in areas with low vitality levels among residents.
  5. This is particularly important given that access to green spaces in urban communities is a limitation to pleasant experiences.
  6. Adverse effects of agriculture in a local community on food security
  7. Community Development and Technology within Communities
  8. Where and how to apply measures to minimize air pollution in cities
  9. Assessing human coping strategies for water deficiency
  10. Community gardens and their function in urban sustainable horticulture
  11. Minimising the emission of carbon in local industries
  12. Impact of public transportation on the emissions of greenhouse gases
  13. Impact of waste management methods on the health of the people
  14. Encouraging energy conservation in the buildings within the local community
  15. Recommendations for water management for sustainable development
  16. Habitat loss in the urban region
  17. Environmental education for school-going children
  18. Analyzing community-supported agriculture: its effects
  19. Factors and implications of deforestation for local societies
  20. Advocacy of the environment by Non-Governmental Organizations
  21. Solutions for enhancing water quality in cities
  22. A study of the efficiency of green products
  23. Tree plantations as measures to combating heat island effects
  24. This paper focuses on how energy consumption is affected by green rooftops.
  25. Public reactions to high rates of severe rise
  26. Soil erosion among farming societies
  27. Measures to stop illegitimate disposal
  28. The purpose of this essay is to examine the literature on the use of City clean-up campaigns.
  29. Effects of industrial pollution on the people
  30. Considering the environmental justice in such areas
  31. Local Policies in Greenhouse Gases Reduction
  32. Exploring the role and the effects of renewable power energy
  33. Reducing noises that affect the central business and residential districts
  34. ‘How Well the Local Recycling Laws Work’
  35. The contribution of citizen science to environmental conservation
  36. African innate pesticide usage in community farming
  37. Most of the local measures aim at the protection of endangered species.
  38. Effects of urbanization on systems of water supply
  39. Minimizing the use of single-use plastics in societies
  40. The questions for this research are: Why and how are conservation programs successful?
  41. Mobilizing Biodiversity at the local level
  42. Solving the energy demand of low-income households
  43. Coastal erosion: An economic analysis
  44. Dimensions of poverty and the potential of green energy
  45. Unsustainable fishing and the problems it creates
  46. Evaluating the reaction of the community to the evaporation conditions
  47. Environmental justice in the context of health difference
  48. Conservation of the environment through the support of efficient tourism.
  49. Speaking of the effect of mining on the local environment
  50. Environmental policies in preserving the biological review
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Social Justice and Human Rights

  1. Effacing racism in policing
  2. Impacts of gentrification on housing in the local markets
  3. The measures covered in the literature study regarding decreasing income segregation in urban neighborhoods
  4. Legal services for the residents of low-income districts
  5. The effect of minimum wage policies on poverty
  6. Community activism within social change
  7. The housing of homeless veterans
  8. Measuring the effectiveness of reentry programs of Jail & Prison Releasees
  9. Effects of redlining on today’s urban neighborhoods
  10. Impact of changed policy on recidivism
  11. Tackling the issue of women’s and men’s wage disparity
  12. Nonprofits and how they help the vulnerable population
  13. Availability of affordable housing to single-parent families
  14. Scrutinizing the efficiency of anti-discrimination provision
  15. That indicates that tackling the challenges that undocumented immigrants in cities face takes additional skills in reviewing the basic principles of immigration legislation revealed through the programs’ schedule.
  16. This paper reviews the effectiveness of welfare policies in poverty reduction.
  17. Specifically, the paper talks about the rights of LGBTQ+ youths in school settings.
  18. Impact of voter suppression on minority groups
  19. Reaction of the communities to hate crimes
  20. Negotiating obstacles to employment by ex-offenders
  21. Restorative Justice in School Context
  22. Assessing equity of racial distributions to healthcare services
  23. Measures to minimize the problem of human trafficking in settlements
  24. Tackling educational disparities facing communities of less privileged or color
  25. The public defenders’ function of prevent the bias towards the less fortunate in society
  26. The Effects of Cultural Center on Conservation of Culture
  27. Issues related to refugees’ integration in small towns
  28. Elderly abuse: the situation in residential care facilities
  29. The following inquiries are the focus of this paper: How does wage difference affect the standard of living?
  30. Opportunity to acquire the technological and digital products of the excluded groups
  31. Impact of social networking sites on promoting justice in society
  32. Overview of prisons and rights of the prisoners
  33. The place of community organizations in the provision of immigrant assistance
  34. CV in Disability Access to Public Places
  35. Responses to gentrification pressures among communities
  36. Means of preventing gender-based violence in cultural settings
  37. Proposals associated with affirmative action and reaction to college admission
  38. Human Rights Abuse in Detention Facilities
  39. Union importance in enhancing worker rights
  40. The advocacy for compensation of expunged criminal records
  41. Reviewing findings pertinent to the effectiveness of refugee education initiatives
  42. Assessing the interventions for poverty reduction in the country’s urban regions
  43. Challenges to voting among non-English speaking voting public
  44. Ending racism in school disciplineolumbia University School of the Arts MFA creative writing programs
  45. Impact of an anti-poverty program in different families classified under low-income group
  46. Sex and Race Discrimination in Pay Parity
  47. Improving the quality of life for the aging adult population in an urban environment
  48. Effects of social housing policies and practices on displacement
  49. The International NGOs in the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
  50. Reviewing mental health care needs for the LBGTQ+ community

Research Topics Related To Community Problems in Crime, Safety, and Public Policy

  1. Effectiveness of community-oriented policing on either reduction or otherwise of crime.
  2. Youth gang violence in an urban environment
  3. Examining success in the implementation of programs that champion neighborhood watch
  4. The use of technology in crime prevention
  5. Measures which can be taken to prevent violence in schools
  6. Consequences of raising awareness about domestic violence
  8. The following paper takes a closer look at the application of body cameras among the police force.
  9. Combating the illicit business of drugs in the border regions
  10. Some of the problems involved with policing in populous regions
  11. In this thesis, the subject to be discussed is the effects of gun control policies on community protection.
  12. School resource Officers and Violence Prevention
  13. How Prison education affects the Rate of recidivism
  14. Preventing religious hate crimes against religious minorities
  16. The effectiveness of the policies of probation and parole
  17. Measures to Minimize Vehicle Theft Incidents in Cities
  18. Part of Restorative Justice in Criminal Circumstances
  19. Effects of immigration laws on community offense levels
  20. Exploring the effectiveness of youth diverting schemes
  21. Restorative justice and criminology: Where does rehabilitation end, and punishment begin?
  22. Policing and police excesses: brutality and accountability
  23. Impact of Poverty on crime trends in the Inner city-enting
  24. Measures for combating organized crime in large cities
  25. Community-level analysis of prevention measures regarding cybercrime
  26. Effectiveness of ordinances aimed at nuisance crimes
  27. Public surveillance systems and their implication on the prevention of crime
  28. Ideally, fighting human trafficking needs to start in urban areas.
  29. Strategies involving the community members in the fight against hate crime.
  30. The effects of decriminalization of drugs on local crime
  31. Examining the effectiveness of theory to practice for police officers.
  32. Prevention measures in cases related to the use of alcohol
  33. This paper seeks to analyze the organizations that have adopted predictive policing software.
  34. Effects of political corruption on the people’s collective assets
  35. Violence, namely against women: Discussion in local communities
  36. The part that can played by community centers in the avoidance of juvenile delinquency
  37. Knowing how Blacks and Whites relate to one other in arrest statistics
  38. This paper explores the following strategies for dealing with the issue of street harassment.
  39. Measures of community safety for natural disasters.
  40. Effectiveness of social services in decreasing crime rate
  41. The approach to managing bullying and cyberbullying in the school setting
  42. Impact of media on the perception of society on crime
  43. Exploring existing approaches to gang intervention and prevention
  44. Assessing options in lieu of imprisonment for violent-free criminals
  45. Housing insecurity and its consequence as a determinant of community crime
  46. Mental health care in incarcerated people
  47. Analyzing the impact of the policies in bail reform
  48. Responsibilities of the social workers in community protection
  49. The effects of police reducing campaigns
  50. Relationship between socioeconomic status and youth delinquency
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Research Topics Related To Community Problems in Technology and Community Development

  1. How do people gain internet access and help reduce the digital divide gap?
  2. An analysis of the effects of applying 5G technology to the development of business and commerce in rural areas
  3. Mitigating cyber risks affecting small communities
  4. Analyzing the impact of new technology firms on regional development
  5. Impacts of automation on employment for individuals in rural areas
  6. Some of the detailed basic technological endeavors for the enhancement of the community in urban areas are as follows:
  7. The use of social media in enhancing community and extension service activities
  8. AI’s effect on efficiency within local government
  9. The next study must consider the ethical issues of facial recognition within open areas.
  10. How the programs on the use of digital technologies assist low-income families
  11. Measures to avoid dependency in adolescents on digital devices
  12. Further, there must be a need to investigate how this blockchain technology could enhance community fundraising.


In exploring these 255+ research topics related to community problems, it’s clear that there are countless opportunities to make a meaningful impact. All these topics focus on current problems of societies in various countries, including health care inequality, pollution, social justice and education. By choosing a topic of your choice that addresses issues that your community requires solutions to achieve, you will be able to come up with solutions that influence policy change and improvements. Grey and opaque as the journey may seem to you at the beginning, remember that every single step you take will help build healthier people and communities.


What are the community problems?

Community problems are difficulties or matters that are detrimental to the inhabitants’ security and standard of living in a certain community. These problems may emanate from different social, economic, environmental and health-related factors, and everyone is vulnerable to them.

What are community challenges?

As with any general concept, a community challenge refers to a general hindrance to the progress and cohesiveness of a community. Such pressures usually stem from social, economic, environmental and political factors and may affect people and organizations in the community in a number of ways.

How to solve community problems?

Community Analysis – Collect facts that manifest social problems and their factors.

Encourage Membership – Get the locals to participate in admitting problems and ranking them.

Encourage Partnership – Mobilise Government, non-profit organizations, and others.

Develop Action Plans – Identify well-defined, tangible and measurable plans of action.

Initiation – Inform the populace about problems and their resolutions.

Funding – Look for grants, giving, or local partnerships to support your programs.

Sustain Solutions – Put into practice action plans and observe outcomes at least on a recurring basis.