Visual  Studio

Visual Studio Code

Thinking Visual Studio And Visual Studio Code The Same? Actually, They Are Not!

Visual Studio

Microsoft Visual Studio is one of the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that is launched by Microsoft. It has the capability of producing both managed code and native code. 

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is one of the free source code editors used for Linux, Windows, and macOS. Several features are supported by it, such as syntax highlighting, snippets, etc


Visual Studio is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment).  Visual Studio Code is a code editor where you can edit your codes. 


Apart from the free editor, Visual Studio has a paid IDE.  On the other hand, Visual Studio Code is an absolutely free & open-source text editor. 

Multi Windows

If the user needs to work on multiple windows, then they must go with Visual Studio.  Working on multiple windows is not possible with Visual Studio Code. 


Visual Studio is used for .NET, C/C++ (Windows), C# projects along with database, SQL Server, etc.  Visual Studio Code shows off HTML / JavaScript support over C++/C.  

User Preference

The user faces various difficulties with the setting and preferences of Visual Studio.  It is quite easy to use preferences in VS Code as compared to that of VS. 

Do not miss the other more differences to check; visit the link now!  And get familiarized with all the differences.
