How to Select Dissertation Topics in Accounting And Finance

dissertation topic in accounting and finance

As we all know dissertation is the most important part of our undergraduate or postgraduate course as it costs huge credits for your degree. Choosing a topic for the dissertation is the first and foremost in completing the dissertation. Especially when you have to make it for a wide subject such as accounting and finance. Dissertation takes months or years to complete. Thus, the most frequently asked question is what are tips for choosing the dissertation topics in accounting and finance. If you are also looking for the same then you are at the right place. Follow the given tips and methods and choose the best and outstanding topic for your dissertation. 

Dissertation topics in Accounting And Finance

Read the guidelines

First tip for choosing dissertation topics for accounting and finance is to read all the instructions. And guidelines given by the instructor or supervisor to you for your dissertation. It is the mandatory step otherwise it might be possible that you miss the essential guideline or requirement. 

While checking the given requirements you must also check the practicality of such dissertation. It will help you to understand the scope of the dissertation. And thus you will know what you need to research for your dissertation. 

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Decide your scope of research 

Next tip for choosing a dissertation topic for accounting and finance is to determine the scope of research. Since accounting and finance is a very wide field so you have to first choose or determine a particular field from which you will decide your topic. 

Brainstorm your ideas 

Next tip for choosing a dissertation topic for accounting and finance is to brainstorm for ideas. Here you will think about the dissertation topics. And for this you also do a basic research about the subject matter or in the chosen field. 

In this step, you can also go through the current topics involving social or any political issue. As such topics always leave a strong impact on the readers. While choosing such a topic , always remember whether you have a strong opinion on such issues or not. 

You can also listen down certain essential requirements for choosing the topic thereafter you can check whether such requirements are fulfilled while choosing the topic. 

Make a list of topics 

Next tip for choosing a dissertation topic for accounting and finance is to Always prepare a list of the topics ideas coming into your mind. It will help you to remember these topics and also to check if they fulfill the criteria you have decided above. 

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Research about listed topics

Next tip for choosing a dissertation topic in accounting and finance is to conduct basic research on the listed topics. These will help you to gain the basic understanding of the subject so that you can check if the scope and requirements of the topic are the same that you thought while listing them. 

It will also help to get clarity on what you want to include in the dissertation. So doing research is also an art and requires important skills. You have to look for reliable books, articles, news, interviews, blogs, websites in order to get the correct information about the subject. 

Narrow down the field 

Now you have done basic and initial research on the topics so the next tip for choosing a dissertation topic in accounting and finance is to narrow down the field. It means that you will narrow down the scope of the topic. It is a gradual process so don’t be in hurry and follow the steps with utmost honesty and patience as the ultimate objective is to choose the best topic which interests you otherwise you will not be able to complete the dissertation with efficiency.

Ensure the relevance of the topic 

As we are almost near to choose the dissertation topic for accounting and finance so now you have to check whether the topic you are willing to choose is academically, socially and practically relevant and authenticated or not. It is very important as it might be possible that you choose your interests topic but it has no relevance at all and thus it will not contribute to education and ultimately the very purpose of dissertation will also fail. 

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Finalize your topic and get it approved 

Last tip for choosing a dissertation topic in accounting and finance is to finalize the topic. And then refer the same to your professor or supervisor for his approval. While submitting the topic name to your supervisor. You should also give a brief understanding of the topic to him. Then he will guide you whether the topic can be taken for dissertation. And what other essentials need to be observed etc. 


Writing a Dissertation is a long term process so you have to be patient while completing it. And it is possible only when you are working on your interests topic. So it is always suggested that you must choose the best topic for your dissertation. But it becomes difficult to choose the dissertation topic in accounting and finance. We hope these tips will help you in choosing the outstanding topic for your dissertation. And in case you still face any difficulties then you can contact our expert team for immediate relief. if you need assignment for accounting, then our online accounting homework help experts can provide you the best service at affordable cost.