Best Machine Learning Books To Learn The Concepts Of ML

machine learning books

What comes to your mind when I say the word, Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence? All of us have heard these terms but only a few of us know the exact meaning of them. The best way to get knowledge about anything is by referring to books. For a subject like machine learning, books play a very important role especially if you are a beginner in this field.

There are many machine learning books available in the market that you in understanding the basics of this subject. Machine learning is a vast topic that requires deep understanding and skillful knowledge. You cannot excel in this field until your basics are clear at least. 

So, in today’s article, I am going to tell you about some of the best machine learning books available in the market. But before that, it’s important to get an idea about, What is Machine Learning? Its relation with Artificial Intelligence. And why Machine Learning is becoming a hot topic nowadays. So, let us start with a brief definition of Machine Learning? 

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a part of Artificial Intelligence (Al) that uses data and algorithms to imitate. It enables computers to perform automatically without being specifically performed. It enhances human efficiency to run the data in an automated pattern. In the past few years, ML has gained immense popularity, especially among the youth who are willing to choose ML as their career option.

According to one of the reports, a machine learning engineer was chosen as the best job of 2019 in the United States. Moreover, the average salary of an ML engineer is estimated at around $146,085 per year. With such numbers, you can imagine why people are shifting their focus towards this field.  

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Whether you are a beginner or already a mastermind in this field, you need books at each step to furnish your skills. So, here is the list of some of the best machine learning books you can read in 2022.

Machine Learning For Absolute Beginners: (by Oliver Theobald)

Machine Learning For Absolute Beginners: (by Oliver Theobald)

As the name suggests, this book is an entry point for the people who are willing to choose ML as their career option. The book is a must-read for people who don’t have any mathematics or coding background.

Various topics such as Data Scrubbing, Bias, Clustering, Regression Analysis are well covered in the book. Apart from this, there are various examples and exercises provided in the book to help you with. 

The hundred Page Machine Learning book: (by Andriy Burkov)

The hundred Page Machine Learning book: (by Andriy Burkov)

All the machine learning topics in only 100 pages. Sounds interesting! This book is more of a handbook journal that has explained basic machine learning topics in a very crisp and easy-to-understand manner. This is one of the best machine learning books where you will find all the answers related to Artificial Intelligence.

Moreover, it includes AI systems, ML-based interviews, and how we can use them in growing our business. The book is available on two main online platforms, eBay and Amazon.

Machine Learning For Hackers: (by Drew Conway and John Myles White)

Machine Learning For Hackers: (by Drew Conway and John Myles White)

This is an advanced book on Machine learning directing its focus on the programmers and coding experts. The word Hacker in the title means people who are masters of mathematics. The book explains various concepts of data analysis and how we use them in various programming languages.

It highlights the use of machine learning through various case studies. The book comes up with various real-life examples to make the learning process much easier. 

Deep Learning: (by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville)

Deep Learning: (by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville)

This book is the guide for people who want to enhance their mathematical knowledge into deep learning. It explains fundamental concepts of deep learning and how you can use them in various fields. One of the most interesting machine learning textbooks where you will find a touch of various subjects in one place.

You will get an idea about Deep learning, Machine, Learning, Artificial Intelligence. You can buy this book from Amazon,, eBay, etc.

Machine Learning for Dummies: (by John Paul Mueller and Luca Massaron)

Machine Learning for Dummies: (by John Paul Mueller and Luca Massaron)

The popularity of the dummies series is growing because they provide the best information in a very friendly manner, this book is an example. The book provides a mixture of Machine Learning along with different tools of programming languages.

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All the theories follow a proper pattern so it becomes easy for the users to connect with the book. Topics such as how to install R in windows, Linux, and macOS are also covered in the book. Apart from this, you will also get an idea about different concepts of data mining and analysis. 

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning: (by Christopher M Bishop)

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning: (by Christopher M Bishop)

This book acts as a reference for the people who are willing to learn statistics to the core. It contains information about several mathematics topics such as Algebra and multivariate calculus.

It is the first and the only machine learning textbooks on pattern recognition. All the facts and techniques used in the book are simple and easy to understand. The latest edition of this book was released in 2022 and is running successfully.

Machine Learning In Action: (by Peter Harrington)

Machine Learning In Action: (by Peter Harrington)

It’s a book for newcomers who want to learn from the best. Peter says machine learning is an art that can be only learned through continuous practice. Also, he guides us through various tutorials on how we can acquire data by applying simple programming techniques.

This book also focuses on different algorithms and codes you can use in machine learning. 

Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach: (by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig)

Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach: ( by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig)

This book provides basic information about Artificial Intelligence. Like, what is AI, ways to learn AI, factors affecting AI? All these topics are well covered in different sections which makes it very easy for the users to understand. Apart from this, it also shows how the trend is changing, how people are changing their approach towards AI.

The use of algorithms, coding, and problem-solving are also covered in the book. It is one of the best books on Artificial Intelligence currently available in the market.

Python Machine Learning By Example: (by Yuxi Hayden Liu)

Python Machine Learning By Example: (by Yuxi Hayden Liu)

From the title, you might have got the hint about the book. This book is one of the best machine learning books that explain various concepts of ML in depth. Also, the book shows a relationship between Python programming and machine learning.

Author says, Python is easy to learn but when you mix it with ML, you need to take every step very carefully. You can buy this book from Flipkart, Amazon, eBay, etc.

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Machine Learning with TensorFlow: (by Nishant Shukla)

Machine Learning with TensorFlow: (by Nishant Shukla)

This is the first edition of the book but the information provided in it is far more effective. TensorFlow holds the symbol of the mathematics library that we use for machine learning applications. The book explains the various concepts of mathematics and their relation with machine learning. This book offers a free-source tensor library, where you get an idea about many machine learning topics. Some of them are:

  • Linear Regression
  • Deep Learning
  • Autoencoders
  • Reinforcement learning

Machine Learning, A Probabilistic Perspective: (by Kevin P. Murphy)

Machine Learning, A Probabilistic Perspective: (by Kevin P. Murphy)

This book will help you in understanding algorithms using pseudocodes. It is more of a fun machine learning textbooks that provide various facts in a very interesting and informal way. The book has used various colors, images, visuals to make the learning process more effective. Apart from this, books also come up with various real-life examples to provide you with a holistic view of this field.

It includes domains like biology, robotics, Artificial intelligence, text processing. This book was earlier released as an e-textbook that was only available online. But now you can find this book on many platforms such as Flipkart, eBay,, etc.

Programming Collective Intelligence: (by Toby Segaran)

Programming Collective Intelligence: (by Toby Segaran)

If you are planning to become a data scientist, this is the best guide for you. One of the best books that helps you understand the implementation of machine learning. If you know Python, that is a plus point, the book will furnish your existing knowledge and you will find it much easier to create algorithms.

From assessing data sets to the analysis of the data, the book provides a step-by-step understanding of each topic. Apart from this, the book also includes various examples of crawlers, PageRank algorithms, indexers. For now, the book is only available on Amazon. 


Artificial Intelligence is the future and Machine learning is a very crucial element of it. Machine learning is something that requires high skills and knowledge. It is a technological field that opens the door for many other fields. You can become a Data Scientist, NLP Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer. All it requires is your time, dedication, and hard work. 

Among all the above-mentioned machine learning books, you can choose any one depending on your field. Although, each book has its uniqueness and all are very important and I will suggest reading all of them at least once.

I hope this article proves helpful for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the future of Artificial Intelligence?

The pace at which the modern world is expanding, time is near we will see robots walking down on our streets. AI has brought a technological revolution that is making our life easier day by day. The global AI market is predicted to expand from $50 billion in 2019 to $300 billion by the end of 2027.

What are the careers in Machine Learning?

Choosing machine learning as your main subject opens lots of career opportunities for you. Some of the main careers in Machine Learning are:

– Data Scientist
– Machine Learning Engineer
– Data Mining Scientist 
– NLP Engineer
– Computational Linguist
– Business Intelligence Developer
– Software Developer