In-depth Guide on Python Sort Dictionary By Experts

Python Sort Dictionary

As you search for the topic, python sort dictionary, we hope you are familiar with various data types. As you know, the python programming language consists of different primitive data types, including lists, set, tuples, dictionaries, etc. A primitive data type is a data type that is either integrated into a computer language or can be thought of as an essential basis for creating more complex data types. We can sort various primitive data in a sequence to make it easy to perform multiple tasks and make code more efficient. In this blog, we will focus on the Python sort dictionary. 

We have various built-in functions on Python to sort data, i.e., sorted() function. We can perform this function on various iterables data. In the Python programming language, if any Python object can return its members one at a point, enabling it to be iterated over in a for-loop, it is called an iterable. Lists, tuples, and strings are all instances of iterables, and any such sequence can be iterated over in a for-loop. We can also perform it on the dictionary in Python based on criteria depending on various arguments of the sorted() function. The sort function is one such function for a Python sort dictionary. It also comes with a collections module that has specialized data structures like ChainMap, deque, etc. 

Dictionary in python 

The dictionary in Python is a collection of primitive data types that mainly contains key-value pairs, just like a map in other programming languages. A key-value pair is stated as to where each key is linked with a value. We have various options to use a string, a number, a list, a tuple, or even another dictionary as a value in key pairs. You can use any valid type as the value in the key-value pair in Python. Dictionary in Python or python sort dictionary is used to store data in a key-value pair, allowing for more efficient data collecting.

  • Dictionary is uncertain, which indicates variations can be done even after declaring a dictionary in python.
  • Dictionary in python can be unordered and enables multiple duplicate records, only in the values since the keys must be different.
  • The values are obtained using the keys as indexes in a dictionary.
  • To declare a dictionary in python, we use curly brackets.
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The Python dictionary’s syntax

A Python dictionary has zero or more key: value elements separated by commas and starts with the left curly brace () and ends with the right curly brace (). (,). A colon separates the key from the value (:).

Key-Value Methods in a Dictionary

Multiple methods return objects containing the dictionary keys and values when looking at information in a Python dictionary.

  • .keys() returns the keys via a dictionaries keys object,
  • .values() returns the values via a dictionaries values object, and
  • .items() returns the keys and values via a dictionaries items object.

How to make a dictionary in python

An image having a program in python on how to define Dictionary in python

As you can see in this image, we’ve established a dictionary named d1 and d2 with curly brackets. The d1 dictionary is empty, but the d2 dictionary has names of people along with their favorite fruits, as shown in the figure. We may also find out which fruits Harry likes by using the print(d2[“Harry”]) function, as shown. Because this is case-sensitive, you must also consider uppercase and lower letters.

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Ways Use To Python Sort Dictionary

Using items() Method

Python Sort Dictionary

We’ve taken a list of students and their grades in this image. As previously stated, the dictionary in Python is made up of key-value pairs. As a result, the students’ names are used as keys, and their grades are used as values. As a result, we usually order the dictionary by key. As you can see, the students’ names are listed in alphabetical order.

Python Sort Dictionary Using “Key”

We use the lambda function to sort the dictionary by key-value, or we may say that the index value is zero, as you can see in the image. There is no index in a dictionary, but we can conclude that this is index 0 and 1 if we use it as an element and item. Ankit is indexed zero, 90 is indexed one, and so on. So, we will sort using the key, with the index value set to [0], i.e., key = lambda x:x[0]. 

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Python Sort Dictionary using “Values.”

We’ll use the same lambda function this time, but we are changing the index value, so the dictionary will be arranged in ascending order based on values, as seen in the image. Using the values in the dictionary, we sorted the output values in ascending order.

Also, Read..!!


Python sort dictionary is commonly used to store large amounts of ordered data and map them using key-value pairs. In Python, we sorted the dictionary helps in quickly retrieving the necessary result. As a result, we’ve discussed numerous ways for sorting the dictionary in Python utilizing dictionary keys and dictionary values in the above article.

If you need python programming help you can contact our python experts who have years of experience. They can help you to achieve excellent grades.  

FAQ’s Frequently Asked Questions

Is the data structure arranged in a dictionary?

A dictionary is a useful data structure that holds information by mapping keys to values. We can sort the dictionary by keys using the sorted() function, just like lists. It will, however, just produce a list of sorted keys, which is rarely what we want.

In Python, how do you show a dictionary?

To get the key-value pairs of a dictionary, use dict. items(). To print each key-value pair on distinct lines, use a for loop and execute print(value) with the value set as a key-value pair. The key-value pairs are printed as tuples.