The formula is a fact or a rule written with mathematical symbols. It usually connects two or more quantities with an equal to sign.

When you know the value of one quantity, you can find the value of the other using the formula.

Arithmetic mean (average) = Sum of values / Number of value

Probability = Target outcomes / Total outcome

Quadratic Formula: x = −b ± √b²-4ac/2a

Distance Formula: d=√(x₁ – x₂)² + (y₁ – y₂)²

Slope Formula: Slope = y₂ – y₁ /  x₂ – x₁

Area of Triangle: area = (1/2) (base) (height)

Fun Facts – The first formula was invented between 1800-and 1600 BC. You find formulas not just in Mathematics but in Science as well.

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