How To Create Module In Python | The Best Ways to Do it


Several Python users look for methods that help them to organize the Python code systematically. Well, this is the point where Python users use the modules. 

This process allows the user to group the related codes to a particular module. Because of this, the process of execution is quite easy to use and understand. 

Don’t you have an idea regarding how to create module in Python? Below, we have mentioned all the details related to the modules in Python. Let’s start and get all the relevant information to enhance your knowledge of Python modules.

What are the Python modules and their usage?

The module has self-contained Python files that have the arbitrary name as attributes, which can be used as reference and bind. Moreover, the Python modules contain three different things, and these are:

  • variables
  • definitions and implementations of class
  • functions

In other words, a module is one of the files that consists of various Python codes. The module can define classes, functions, and variables. These modules also contain runnable codes that are very useful for Python users. 

Let’s take an example of Python modules:

Suppose a user wants to create a calculator program in which he/she can perform addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division. 

Therefore, the user can break the codes into smaller programs or, say, a single module for a separate operation. Users can also use these modules in any other program. 

Here, the main concept is to minimize the code. Moreover, the codes can work in any other program. Users can call them with their variable names, and use them easily and use an interpreter to execute it.

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What is the use of Python modules?

Users can use modules for splitting the large programs into much smaller programs that can easily organize and manage. Moreover, the modules offer the reusability of the codes. 

Is there any advantage of using the modules?

Yes! Python modules offer various advantages, such as:

  • Simplicity: The modules concentrate on the smaller proportions instead of concentrating on whole problems.
  • Reusability: With the help of modules, the codes can be reused multiple times.
  • Scoping: The module namespace is determined using a module, which helps in avoiding collisions among the identifiers.

How to create module in Python?

If a user wants to create modules in Python, it can be seen that it is similar to writing a Python script. The input script can be used with the help of the .py extension. 

Let’s use the above example of a calculator and make the modules that can use for several operations.

def div(a, b):   return a / b
def prod(a, b):   return a * b
def sub(a, b):    return a – b
def add(a,b):    return a + b

Now, save the program in the file So, this is the way for how to create module in Python. Here, we have used a different function. Moreover, this module can use in the main files.

But how? Want to know how to use the modules? Let’s get the details about how to use modules in Python with a suitable example.

Is it possible to name or rename a module?

When a user creates a module, it would be beneficial if they define a name to the module. Users easily name any module file but keep in mind that the file extension must be as .py. These modules can use in different programs easily by calling them to a certain program.

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Method to rename the module

Users can define the name while creating the program or while importing the module. The keyword as is used for renaming the module.

Let’s take an example of it:

Create the program mymodule; let’s link or rename it as mx.

import mymodule as mx
 a = mx.person1[“name”]print(a)

How to use modules in Python?

Once you know how to create module in Python, you can use the modules in your program. You can use the import keyword to involve the module in the programs using the interpreter. 

Like, you can use the import statement as:

import support

Also, from keyword uses for getting the specific functions or methods from specific modules of the class.

Let’s take an example of it using

import calc as ax = 20y = 30 sum = a.sum(x,y)print(sum)

In the given program, we created a program using as the keyword. The result of this program will give the output of two different numbers a & b. This will execute using the sum function in the module. 

Let us take another approach to execute the same program.

from calc import *x = 50y = 20 print(sum(x,y))

In the given program, all the functions are imported with the help of an asterisk. After using it, a user can simply define the name of the class function to get the desired results.

Can we check the Python module path?

Yes, you can easily check the Python module paths. When a user imports the single module from the file, the interpreter of the program looks for the modules in the built-in function directory to search the module in it. The directory in the sys.path is used to search for the built-in module. 

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It will search in the following order:

  1. current namespace directory
  3. Default directories
import sys print(sys.path)

Once you write the above code, you will find a long list of directories on your screen. Users also do the modifications in a list to develop a particular path.


Python programs have enormous applications. Therefore, Python users look for excellent ways to simplify their tasks that can easily maintain and handle. Using the Python module in a file, it is quite easy to manage the Python programs. Above, we have detailed all necessary details about how to create module in Python. 

Use all the above-mentioned details and programs. This will not only enhance your knowledge but also help you to master Python programs. So, keep practicing and learn new things that can improve your efficiency. 

If you have any queries regarding how to create module in Python, comment in the below section, and we will help you in the best possible way.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where are Python modules saved?

It is clear that modules are the Python scripts for most of the parts. These modules are saved in the user’s Lib or in the site-packages folder structure. Even the user can save it as local to the input script that you will be run.

Why can’t Python find my module?

There is the possibility that you are running the Python script file without being configured to search during Python installation. Another possibility of not finding the modules is that you might be using the incorrect installation of the pip for installing the packages.

How many modules are in Python?

The standard library of Python includes over 200 modules, although the numbers of modules vary between file distributions.