Human Intelligence vs Artificial Intelligence | Which One is The Best?


Nowadays, artificial intelligence is on the next level. Almost everything is working with the help of AI. It is also making our life easy, from smartphones to electric cars. Tesla cars are the finest example of Artificial intelligence in electric cars. Due to the growth in artificial intelligence, students are searching for the difference between human intelligence vs artificial intelligence.

They want to know which one is better between both of them. Let’s understand what intelligence is first. Intelligence is a general mental ability for reasoning, problem-solving, and learning. In general, intelligence integrates cognitive functions such as perception, attention, memory, language or planning. 

The best way to measure it is by a standard test with scores predicting several broad social outcomes such as educational achievement, analytical knowledge, problem-solving skills, etc. Let’s get back on the topic to talk about the actual difference between human intelligence vs artificial intelligence.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is the study to design intelligent agents that can replace human intelligence. And these agents can analyze the environment and, based on the environment, then produce actions to meet the desired goals. For this, there are plenty of tools and insights from many fields. Such as computer science, psychology, neuroscience, operation research, and many more.

It also overlaps with tasks such as robotics, control systems: scheduling, data mining, logistics, speech recognition, and many more. In the most simple words, we can say that artificial intelligence is the intelligence of computers that work on various principles.

The ultimate goal of artificial intelligence is to make human life easy. And AI is performing its job tremendously from basic to the most complex tasks by analyzing human insights. Nowadays, AI works for almost every machine, such as smartphones, smart cars, smart homes, and many more. AI has many sub-topics such as robotics, face recognition, CNC, etc. 

Types of Artificial Intelligence

Reactive Machines

It is the most basic form of AI, i.e., purely reactive, and doesn’t consider any experience.

Limited Memory

It incorporates past experiences to perform its functions.

Theory of Mind

In this, the machine understands human behavior and can predict how humans can behave with them. It is pretty futuristic, and companies are working on it.

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Now the machines are also becoming self-aware of what they are and what they should do to protect them and fulfill the tasks.

Human Intelligence

We are all human and have the intelligence inherited from our parents or ancestors. Human intelligence is defined as the quality of the human mind. It is capable enough to learn from experience. And also analyze the environment and situation with the help of gained knowledge to become adaptive with it.

It can provide observations during travel and lots more scenarios. It can provide data on things about the subject of specific expertise. It is the best information on interpersonal relationships and networks of interest. 

Types of human intelligence

Triarchic Theory of Intelligence

Intelligence is all about analysis, creativity, and practicality.

Theory of Multiple Intelligence

It is all about combining intelligence, logical math, interpersonal skills, and naturalism. 

PASS Theory

It is all about planning, attention, simultaneous, and successive. 

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence over Human Intelligence

Speed of Execution

AI offers better speed of execution as compared with human intelligence. For example, a human can solve a mathematical calculation within a few minutes. On the other hand, AI can solve millions of mathematical calculations within a few minutes. It is lightning fast as compared with the average human intelligence.

Less Biased

Humans are always biased, except for exceptional cases like the judicial and law systems. Other than that, we all are biased in some cases, and it can be anything. On the other hand, artificial intelligence is less biased than human intelligence.

Operational Ability

Human beings can’t work long hours with the same consistency. That is why their operation ability is relatively low. On the other hand, AI can have a long operational ability.


Humans are made for mistakes. Commonly, humans can make mistakes even if they are smart enough. Therefore the accuracy in the work of humans is always relatively low. On the other hand, AI is known for its accuracy. 

Also Read

Major Differences Between Human Intelligence vs Artificial Intelligence

Have a look at the significant differences between human intelligence and artificial intelligence. 

Nature of Existence

Human intelligence is all about adapting to the environment using the combination of several cognitive processes. On the other hand, artificial intelligence focuses on designing machines that replicate or mimic human behavior In this comparison of human intelligence vs artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence has slight edge.

Memory usage

Humans are likely to consume more memory usage as compared with artificial intelligence. The reason is that humans usually do not focus on single things, and the brain needs to perform various operations as well.

On the other hand, artificial intelligence utilizes memory in its best form. In contrast, human intelligence uses more memory as compared with artificial intelligence. In this comparison of human intelligence vs artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence has slight edge.

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Mode of creation

Humans always inherit their intelligence from their parents. Therefore the mode of creation in humans is natural. On the other hand, artificial intelligence is created by human beings. Thus the mode of creation for artificial intelligence in humans.

Humans can create any number of AI systems with extreme intelligence. It can probably be more significant than the most intelligent man in the world. But when we talk about the creation of humans with AI, it seems to be impossible.  In this comparison of human intelligence vs artificial intelligence, human intelligence has slight edge.

Learning process

The human intelligence learning process is not typical in every human. Every human thinks differently, and their learning process is also based on their life situation, mental health, and many more. But human intelligence is not restricted to a specific skill set. Human intelligence can learn almost every skill whenever they want; they need to be consistent.

On the other hand, artificial intelligence learning can be faster than human intelligence. But the problem is that artificial intelligence is not versatile. It means it is limited to a specific skill set to perform a particular job.

Although nowadays, artificial intelligence is becoming a self-learner that can learn any skills based on the needs to fulfill the tasks. In this comparison of human intelligence vs artificial intelligence, human intelligence has slight edge.


Although human intelligence is dominant in the world, as we know, human intelligence continuously varies. That is why Artificial intelligence has beat human intelligence in some areas like chess, solving quizzes, and many more reasoning tasks.

Recently we have seen a supercomputer easily beat a world-class chess player in a chess game. Because AI can store the past data and then analyze the past data to take future actions, on the other hand, humans can’t hold too much past data, and they always think about the future steps.

That is why the supercomputer defeats the player. In this comparison of human intelligence vs artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence has slight edge.


AI is relatively faster than human beings. It is nearly impossible for humans to defeat AI in this advanced technological world. Humans take more time to think about the tasks and then perform them.

At the same time, AI takes only a couple of microseconds to understand the task and get it done within a few seconds. Likewise, humans can take 5 minutes to understand and solve math equations. On the other hand, AI can solve multiple equations simultaneously.

As compared to humans, computers can process more information at a faster rate. For instance, if the human mind can solve a math problem in 5 minutes, AI can solve ten problems in a minute. In this comparison of human intelligence vs artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence has slight edge.

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Humans can’t be accurate enough to solve any problems. There is always more chance of inaccurate results of human beings than AI. Because AIs are preprogrammed to solve the problem with perfect accuracy.  In this comparison of human intelligence vs artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence has slight edge.


Unfortunately, AI is not aware of itself. But scientists are working on it to make it self-aware that it can be even better than humans. On the other hand, humans are aware of themselves and establish their identity in the world.

AI is still working on self-awareness while humans become naturally aware of themselves and strive to establish their identities as they mature. In this comparison of human intelligence vs artificial intelligence, human intelligence has slight edge.

Social Interaction

Humans are social animals. It means that humans can’t live alone. They interact with each other in social interactions and share information. On the other hand, AI is not social, and it is oriented to itself with no emotions. In this comparison of human intelligence vs artificial intelligence, human intelligence has slight edge.

General Function

Nowadays, the general function of humans is changing. They need to work on innovations and creativity for a better future. On the other hand, AI is designed and developed for repetitive tasks.  In this comparison of human intelligence vs artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence has slight edge.

Human Intelligence vs Artificial Intelligence Comparison (Tabular Form)

FactorHuman IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence
Energy efficiency20-25 watts consumption to solve any query.Only consume 2 watts to solve any query. 
UniversalHumans have diverse skills. They can learn anything they want to earn for their living.  AI is restricted to a few tasks only. Because they are specially designed to solve a specific problem. 
MultitaskingHuman Intelligence is a great weapon for multi-tasking. That is why human intelligence in not that consistent. AI is not a multitasking technology. If it is used for multi-tasking then it will consume more power and also become quite slow. 
Decision MakingHumans need to make hundreds of decisions everyday. Therefore it tend to be that human intelligence has better decision making abilityArtificial intelligence can have better decision making if it is preprogrammed. Although in the real world AI is lacking in decision making skills.  
StateBrains have neurons. Therefore human intelligence signals are analog. AI is working on digital signals. Therefore AI is completely digital.


So what have we got from the above comparison between human intelligence vs artificial intelligence? If you love human civilization with AI, you may find that AI is useless. But if we talk about the convenience that AI offers in our life. Then probably AI is much better than Human intelligence.

Humans can be quick learners when there is a need for multi-taskers. But when it comes to being an expert in specific skills, AI has a slight edge over it because they are quick learners and quite affordable to deal with it. 

As we have seen, Japan has replaced human robots with AI-based robots to improve restaurant or hotel operations efficiency. Apart from that, AI-enabled Tesla cars also eliminated the need for chauffeurs. AI technologies keep growing every year. And we can say that AI is the future of to

morrow. But it will take years to completely replace humans with AI-enabled robots. It might be good or bad as humans remain jobless and only jobs will be available for the programmers. Apart from that, maybe AI will go to the top level where AI will automatically code for itself and completely replace the human.

We can’t say anything at the moment, but yes, it can happen between human intelligence vs artificial intelligence. Get the best linear programming assignment help from our experts.

Frequently Asked Question

What is the difference between human intelligence and artificial intelligence?

If we talk about the significant difference between human intelligence and artificial intelligence, adaptability is the main point. Human intelligence aims to adapt to a new environment by combining a different cognitive processes. On the other hand, Artificial intelligence adapts to the new environment by mimicking human behavior and performing human actions. 

Can artificial intelligence can replace human intelligence?

Artificial intelligence can replace human intelligence soon. Elon Musk is working hard to take artificial intelligence to the next level. But if we talk about the present scenario, it is nearly impossible for AI to replace human intelligence. Although soon AI can be more intelligent than human beings