How To Choose The Right Infographic Dimensions For Your Design

How To Choose The Right Infographic Dimensions For Your Design

Choosing the perfect dimensions for your infographic is both a science and an art that must be carefully considered to create the best user experience. With so many size options, it can seem overwhelming. However, by having a thorough understanding of your intended use case as well as any platform restrictions you may have to adhere to, you can develop an effective infographic design plan. 

Here we will discuss why finding appropriate dimensions for infographics is important, explore different options available, and provide useful tips on making sure each element is tailored specifically for the project. Consider this blog post your guide through designing great visuals with the right specifications!

Choose the Right Infographic Dimensions for Your Design

One of the most important aspects of creating an infographic through an infographic maker is choosing the right dimensions. Take a look at key points that will help you choose the right infographic dimensions for your design. 

1. Consider Your Audience 

Who is your audience? Are they more likely to view your infographic on mobile devices or desktop computers? Knowing this information will help you determine the size best for them. 

Generally speaking, if your target audience is likely to view your infographic on desktop computers, then larger sizes such as 1680x1050px or 1920x1080px should work well. 

If your target audience is likely to view your infographic on their phones or tablets, then smaller sizes such as 600x800px or 800x1200px should work best. 

Partnering with a content marketing agency or a reliable SEO and link building agency can help you target your audience and maximize the visibility of your infographics, leading to a wider reach and ultimately higher engagement.

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Designing For Particular Platforms

When designing an infographic, always consider what platform or platforms you will be sharing it on. Different sites, such as Twitter and Facebook, have different dimensions that are suitable to ensure each poster looks its best.

For example, a square image might look great on Instagram but can appear stretched out on Twitter. Taking the time to study and understand which size works best for each platform can provide your infographic with more benefits in engagement. 

Understanding how each site’s users interact with their content will also be necessary when creating visual content for specific platforms. Let’s assume that a major chunk of the audience is coming from social media. But which social media platform in particular?

  • If they’re coming from Instagram, then it’s suitable to create square infographics for them. 
  • If they come from Pinterest, it’s recommended to go with a vertical infographic dimension. 
  • If they are coming from Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, then the best-recommended way is to go with horizontal infographic dimensions.

3. Consider the Design Elements 

What type of content will you be including in your infographic? Is it mostly text-based or image-heavy? Do you need a lot of whitespace around certain elements? 

These are all factors that should influence which size you choose for your design as different sizes will accommodate different types of content better than others. 

4. Make Sure Your Content Fits

Before settling on a final size for your design, make sure all of your content fits comfortably within the boundaries of whatever size you choose and that nothing looks cramped or stretched out when displayed at that size. 

If something doesn’t look quite right, try scaling down until everything fits nicely within the space provided by the chosen size without looking distorted in any way. 

5 . Choose an Easily Shareable Size

When sharing infographics online (especially via social media), it’s important to choose a size that looks good no matter where it’s posted and can easily be seen by anyone who happens across it online regardless of screen size or device used to view it. 

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It’s always best practice to use standard sizes so that everyone viewing your infographic knows what size it should be displayed in common standard sizes include 800x600px, 1024x768px, 1280x720px, and 1920x1080px, but there are many other popular sizes as well. 

Popular social media image sizes such as 1200 x 628 px (for Facebook), and 735 x 1102 px (for Twitter), are all good options here. Because they can easily be shared across various platforms without losing any quality in the process due to compression algorithms.  

6 . Make Sure All Text Is Legible

The last thing anyone wants when viewing an infographic is to have difficulty reading small text due to low-resolution graphics being used in combination with too small a font size being used throughout the design itself. 

Therefore, always make sure any text included in an infographic is legible at whatever size you choose before committing to a final version and posting/sharing it online with others. 

A Guide To The Best Infographic Sizes For Social Media Platforms 

Different social media platforms have different requirements, so you need to make sure that your infographic template looks its best and works for each platform. Let’s take a look at the best infographic sizes for some of the most popular social media platforms. 

  1. Facebook

For Facebook, the ideal size for an infographic is 1200 x 628 pixels. This is also known as a 1.91:1 ratio because of how wide and tall it is. You must use this size because if you don’t, it will be blurry or cut off when posted on Facebook.

  1. Twitter

The ideal size for an infographic on Twitter is 1200 x 675 pixels. This size ensures that your image fits nicely within a single tweet and allows enough space for text and graphics without being too cluttered or crowded. You should also keep text limited since long tweets with lots of text tend to get overlooked by viewers.  

  1. Instagram
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For Instagram, the best size for an infographic is 1080 x 1080 pixels (a 1:1 ratio). Keep in mind that Instagram has a lot of vertical scrolling, which means users may miss parts of your image if they scroll quickly past it. 

So make sure that all important information is included in the top half of your image where possible. Additionally, try to limit any text you include as much as possible since Instagram images with more images than words tend to perform better overall than those with more words than images. 

  1. Pinterest

When posting infographics on Pinterest, you want to aim for a 2:3 ratio such as 600 x 900 pixels or 735×1102 pixels depending on what looks best with your content and design style. 

Pinterest posts with higher resolutions tend to perform better overall due to their larger thumbnails. It makes it easier for people browsing Pinterest boards and searches to find them faster than those with lower resolutions or proportions. 

  1. Linkedin & Snapchat

Both LinkedIn and Snapchat have similar requirements when it comes to posting infographics. Both prefer square images between 1104 x 736px and 1,080 x 1,920 pixels.

Make sure any text included does not take up too much space to ensure that all important information can be seen clearly without getting lost in the details or crowded out by other elements within the image itself. 

  1. Best Infographic Sizes For Printouts
  • For Letter (8.5 x 11 inches)
  • For Legal (8.8 x 14 inches)
  • For Executive (7 x 10 inches)
  • For Tabloid (11 x 17 inches)
  • For Photo (4 x 6 inches)
  • For A4 (8.3 x 11.7 inches)
  • For A3 (11.7 x 16.5 inches)


To ensure your infographics look their best across all platforms, you must follow specific sizing guidelines tailored to each platform’s unique requirements. Following the tips outlined above will help ensure a successful outcome every time. Keep in mind that these sizes are only recommendations, experiment until you find what works best for your content and design style.