Python vs Java: Which Is Better for Web Development?


Python vs Java differences are also an overwhelming comparison for the students. There are hundreds of blogs over the internet that are showcasing the comparison between Python and Java. However, nobody is providing a convincing argument for “Is Python or Java easier.” Python is currently in competition with nearly every programming language, as is common knowledge.

It is also competing with the most robust programming language in the world—Java. Yes, you are right; it is Java. Data scientists use Java, which is among the greatest programming languages for desktop applications.

Therefore, both of these programming languages compete with each other in various industries. Before we compare them, let’s have a look at their overviews. 

Programming languages are essential for every programming activity, even though they are basic tools in a programmer’s toolbox. So, we can say that programming languages are a fundamental part of computer science. 

Everyone often needs clarification when it comes to choosing a programming language between the two most popular programming languages. At present, Python and Java are the two most popular and competitive programming languages.

Python has become extremely popular in the last few years, while Java has held the same position for the previous few years. Both are battling to become the most popular programming languages. Many beginners need clarification about Python vs. Java. 

If you also need clarification about Python and Java? Then you came to the right article here. We are going to discuss all the essential differences between Python vs. Java. 

This article will assist you in understanding the comparison between them. But before discussing Python vs Java differences, let’s check detailed information about both.


Java is one of the oldest and most powerful programming languages in the world. It is a general-purpose and statically typed language, which means that anyone can use it. This programming language is used for no particular reason.

First introduced in 1995, Java was developed by Sun Microsystem, later bought by Oracle Corporation. The initial version of Java was intended for portable devices and set-top boxes. Nowadays, you can download Java from Oracle’s official site.

Java is another user-friendly object-oriented programming language. It operates on WORA (write once, run anywhere) and is portable.

This implies that you can create a Java program on one computer and use it on another. However, you require the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to run Java apps.

In Java code structure is very much like C++. Java is also dynamically linked language; that way you can download code from any part of the world and run it on the Java compiler. 

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Java is also a fully network-centric language, a true multithreaded language, a garbage collected language and active language for code.


The most widely used programming language in the twenty-first century is Python. It is also one of the simplest programming languages in the world, which is why it is becoming the first choice for beginners. 

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Guido van Rossum in the Netherlands invented Python in the late 1980s. Although the implementation started in December 1989, the first version (0.9.0) came into existence in February 1999. 

Python is also is a general-purpose programming language. According to most programmer it was derived from the ABC programming language.

Python is a free programming language. This implies that there is no individual, or company that owns python in the globe; it is managed by a community of open source. Python is considered a high level language which features objectoriented programming. 

Like any other programming language, Python has built-in. Another wonderful advantage of Python is that it is an interpreted language, which also means that it is a dynamic type of language. It also offers dynamic binding options to programmers.

That’s why it is the first choice for rapid custom application development. Python has a plethora of packages and modules that facilitate code reuse.

Like no other language, you can write the code in Python with the help of a few lines. There is no specific syntax in Python. Therefore, the code readability in Python is quite simple and easy for beginners.

You can run Python code anywhere without any additional effort. Python also allows you to add low-level modules. You can find the automatic garbage collection, interactive mode of testing and debugging, and ideal structure for large programs. Additionally, it is capable of integrating with Java, C, and C++.

Python and Java comparison

Python Programming LanguageJava Programming Language
It is a high-level interpreted and general-purpose coding language.Java is also easy to learn and use, but it is not easier than Python.
The number of lines is less; that’s why in Python, it’s easier to write code.Java always takes less time to execute a code. Hence, in terms of speed, It is comparatively faster than Python.
Python programs Syntax learning and reading are simple.Java programming language is statically typed.
For the management of memory, Python uses an automatic garbage collector. Java is not a much-trending language, according to others.
As compared to compiled programs execution of interpreted programs slower Java is not a straightforward language, but it’s one of the most complex programming languages.
Error debugging is easy. This means it takes only one instruction at one time and organizes and performs together. Errors are shown immediately, and the execution is stopped at that instruction.The legacy system of Java is typically larger and larger than Python’s.
For built-in functions, Python has a large library.Everyone knows that Java is more verbose compared to Python. Hence, it takes ten lines of source code in Java( to read a file from Java).
Python has no pointers.Java is popular for many web applications and mobile devices. Because of its universality of IDEs in development and static type systems, it’s preferable to Python.
The declaration of variable type is not necessary here. In Python, variables are untyped. A given variable can be stuck on values of various types at different times during the program’s execution.The Java virtual machine provides the runtime environment for executing the code and converting different bytecodes into machine language.
Gives ease of data structure implementation with append functions and built-in insert.Java always provides stable connectivity to all areas of the globe.
Python is a General-Purpose programming language.Java is not a General Purpose Programming Language. 
The .py extension saves Python language programs.Java Programs are saved as. Java Extensions.
Codes of Python are easy to maintain.Java codes are difficult to maintain.
For deployment and development, Python is used as a general-purpose language.For deployment and development, Java is not used as a general-purpose language.
Python library learning can be complicated.Java library learning is also complicated for most users.
Python is faster.Java is Faster, too. 
For deep learning, Python is better.For deep learning, Java is better too.
Statistical packages of Python are less powerful.Statistical packages of Java are more powerful.
Python is fit for creating something new from scratch. It can be used for application development also.Java is also fit for creating something new from scratch. It can be used for application development also.
Python is one of the easy-to-use and learn programming languages.Java is trickier to use and learn programming languages.
Python only tracks the data type at run time. That makes it comparatively slower than Java.Java tracks the data type at compile and run time. That makes it comparatively faster than Python.
Python programming language that is dynamically typed.Java programming language is not dynamically typed.
Python is one of the most trending languages. Java is also one of the most trending languages. 
Python is one of the straightforward programming languages. That is why it is easy to use.Java is trickier to learn and use. 
The legacy problems in Python are lesser than in Java. The legacy problems in Java are Higher than in Python.
Python offers very slow connectivity compared to Java.Java Offers faster connectivity compared to Python.

Python vs Java: Which is Better?

The result of this comparison depends on one’s perspective; if it is a question of speed, then Python has lost; if the topic of conversation is syntax, then Java is out of contention; for web development, then it seems that the two are equals.

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Python and Java are both multipurpose languages and both languages are widely used and recognized. However, there will always be pros and cons to using any language. Still, it is crucial to look at different characteristics to define which one is better for some applications: concern, grammar, hypertext, or opportunities.

With regard to the future, both Python and Java are well-established languages in the programming 662 world, but their positions are shifting slightly.

List of companies that use Python or Java

Google.Industrial Light and Magic.Instagram.Quora.Dropbox.Facebook.Spotify.Netflix.Uber.Google.Pinterest.Amazon.Slack.Snapchat.LinkedIn.eBay.

Python vs Java: Performance

In terms of performance, Java often wins this round because of the compiled language that it is.


Python is an interpreted language that works through code line by line during execution, which speeds it up compared with a compiled language like Java. Python has objections regarding dynamic typing because the interpreter is forced to check the kinds of variables at the time of execution. 

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For many applications, Python is adequate in dealing with performance issues, but it might suffer in performance-critical applications. Python can apply external libraries, which are written in more effective languages, and usually, it is combined with C/C++ for significant performance requests.


Java stands to benefit from being a compiled language Presence of JIT compilers also form part of the advantage of Java. Java is compiled only into bytecode, which is then, in turn, run on the Java virtual machine. The JVM employs Just-In-Time (JIT), which compiles the bytecode into machine code and executes it hence being faster. 

Java can be classified as static in type. This means that very few type checks are conducted at run time, and most of them are conducted during compile time, hence making Java less overhead.

Python vs Java: Syntax

An example of the dissimilarities is that the syntactical structures of the two languages are entirely different, which apparently affects formants such as the code slope and rate of programming.


First, Python distinguishes itself with clear, easy-to-read and rather simple code syntax. The structure is simple, as is what it teaches developers: This is Python, which means they can write code with ease.

It has chosen to use indentation to show where blocks of code start and end rather than using braces like C, C++ and Java, and is alone in removing the need for semicolons at the end of lines for similar reasons. For instance, a Python function looks like this:


def greet(name):

    print(f”Hello, {name}”)

Python is a suitable language for rapid development and scripting since it typically uses fewer lines of code per action than is ideal.


Compared to Python, Java coding syntax is more structured and takes up more space.

Only the end of the statement is indicated by a semicolon, and the code blocks are denoted with curly braces {}. Programs in Java are completely object-oriented, which implies that any code must be put in a class, which can be extensively time-consuming. For example, a similar function in Java would look like this:

public class Main {

    public static void greet (String name){

        System. out.println(“Hello, ” + name);


    public class main {….




Java is verbose and could be disadvantageous to use, especially for students who are just new to programming. On the other hand, the validity of the strict syntax acts as a reminder to improve the quality of programmers’ work.

Python vs. Java for Web Development

Python for Web Development

Today, Web is developed using Python, primarily because of the frameworks like Django and Flask. Of course each framework has some added features added to it to provide extra features for the development purposes. As far as the options of Django are concerned they include authentication, the administration panel and database tools. 

As it stands, Flask is a micro-framework for developers and therefore will afford developers more freedom; that is, using flask to build an application will be less cumbersome.

Python’s ease of use and short time to create an application make it very suitable for start-ups, SMBs and any project with limited development time.

Java for Web Development

Java has been a major force in Web development since the introduction of Web development frameworks for producing large-scale Enterprise applications. Spring is one of the most widely used web frameworks for Java based applications, while JavaServer Faces (JSF) is also one of the widely used web frameworks for Java. 

Spring provides an all-around programming and deployment model for a new generation of Java-based business applications. At the same time, JSF is a component-based framework for managing the faces of a web application. Java is specific in the development of immense systems, such as a banking platform or online store, because of its stability, the possibility of scale, and reliable protection features.

Where should I learn about Python and Java?

As you can see, Python and Java are considered among the top 10 highly demanded programming languages; therefore, it is always beneficial to learn both or any of them.

Now, the question is where I get the most relevant and useful help to learn these languages. Well, here is the simple answer to this question. And that is some websites are offering useful courses and materials to you, and these are:

  • LiveLectures
  • Statanalytica
  • Codeavail
  • JavaAssignmentHelp
  • Calltutors

These are the most rated and reviewed websites that offer Python and Java study materials, and their experts help solve your queries.

I highly recommend these websites to learn the concepts of Python and Java programming languages.

Java vs Python: Which Is Better for the Future?


Both Java and Python are strong programming languages, making it difficult to choose just one. However, allow me to assist you in selecting Python over Java for your next project.

If you want to work with artificial intelligence or machine learning, Python is a superior option.However, Java is the better choice if you want to pursue a career in web development. Either option is acceptable for the data science field. Get professional assistance with your Python coursework at a reasonable cost.

Both Java and Python are strong programming languages, making it difficult to choose just one. However, allow me to assist you in selecting Python over Java for your next project. We offer the best help with Python homework.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Python replace Java?

The popularity of Python continues to rise worldwide. According to TIOBE analysts, Python can overtake Java and become one of the best and most preferred programming languages.

Is Python easier than Java?

Java is statically typed and compiled, while Python is dynamically typed and interpreted. This particular difference makes Java faster at the runtime of the codes and debugging easier. On the other hand, Python is easier to read and use.

Why is Java so hard?

Java is considered a mature language, so there is always a lot to learn. Therefore, it is hard for beginners to start with Java as their first language. Furthermore, Java has various features that have been developed from different programming languages. Therefore, learners need help in dealing with Java.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Python replace Java?

The popularity of Python continues to rise in the world. As per the TIOBE analysts, it has been seen that Python can overtake Java and become one of the best and most preferred programming languages.

Is Python easier than Java?

Java is one of the statically typed and compiled languages. At the same time, Python is a dynamically typed and also interpreted language. This particular difference makes Java faster at the runtime of the codes and debugging easier. On the other hand, Python is easier to read and use.

Why is Java so hard?

Java considers a mature language; that is why there is always a lot to learn. Therefore, it is hard for beginners to start with Java as their first language. Furthermore, Java has various features that have been developed from different programming languages. Therefore, learners face difficulty in dealing with Java.