3 Different Ways Robots Can Use VoIP Technology

Robots Can Use VoIP Technology

In this blog we are going to discuss how robots can use VoIP technology.

Calling via VoIP is commonplace today, with older analogue telephone services going the way of the dodo as the advantages of digital communication are embraced worldwide.

The flexibility of VoIP means that it can be integrated with all sorts of devices, with most people experiencing it via smartphones and desktop PCs. What you might not realize is that robots are also being imbued with advanced calling capabilities, in a variety of intriguing contexts.

Customer service in the hospitality sector

The rise of hospitality robots has been rapid, and for a number of good reasons. They can enhance the guest experience, account for staff shortages, and keep operational costs down, amongst other things.

In order for robotized service solutions to function as seamlessly as human-driven equivalents, there needs to be swift and convenient communication between customers and the robots themselves.

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This can of course be achieved through in-person interactions, but it’s inefficient for robots to have to travel all the way to a guest’s room in order to do things like taking room service orders or updating them on requests they’ve already made. VoIP integration allows robots to engage customers remotely, calling IP-enabled room phones for real time communication that solves this conundrum and other widespread service challenges.

Companionship for the elderly

Robot companions have already proven useful in tackling issues of loneliness and isolation in older members of the population.

Now, VoIP capabilities in robot companions are being proposed as a method of improving the level of control, and the complexity of interactions, which are afforded to users.

In conjunction with the best VoIP providers, companion devices will be able to do things like tapping into extensive AI-powered neural networks which can help with language processing on the fly. This means that there’s less need for individual robots to be equipped with vast amounts of onboard processing power to offer advanced feature sets.

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Likewise if a robot built for companionship also comes with VoIP calling, it can act as a portal for interactions with family and friends who might live in far-flung places. Being able to engage with elderly relatives through a device without sharing the same physical space will be much more engaging and accessible than standard voice and video calling solutions.

Convenience for last-mile delivery

Another area into which robots have ingratiated themselves in recent years is last-mile delivery, with automated solutions being preferred in many cases to traditional approaches requiring a van and driver.

As well as reducing congestion and pollution, last-mile delivery robots can also enhance the customer experience in much the same way as hospitality robots. Being able to interact with a robot by voice creates a more human, personal experience. And having the option to call through to a flesh and blood team member should a more complex problem arise is why VoIP integration makes so much sense in this scenario.

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It’s another example of where blending new technologies with tried and tested approaches to customer service tend to generate the best results. So it’s not a case of robots replacing human workers entirely, but rather of them working in unison with them, using VoIP as the conduit which connects everything.


We are still in the early stages of robotic technologies being rolled out, at least in terms of their most conspicuous use and interactions with everyday consumers.

It seems likely that VoIP will remain a crucial part of greasing the wheels of progress, and ironing out kinks that have yet to be addressed in terms of how robots function, with customer service roles benefitting from this the most.