Social Security Disability Insurance : Benefits to disable people

social disability insurance

Social Security Disability Insurance ( SSDI) is the United States government’s payroll tax-funded health insurance plan. It is operated by the Administration of Social Security and structured to offer income supplements to individuals who are physically limited in their ability to be working because of a significant (usually physical) impairment. SSDI provides benefits to both temporarily or permanently, usually directly associated with the temporary or permanent disability of the individual.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a program of the Federal government structured to guard workers against loss of income earning potential due to total incapacity. To qualify for SSDI, the illness must meet the disability standards of the SSA (Social security administration), and you must have received adequate job credits.

Both staff and employers must contribute to the program. By the FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) tax, the employees and employers pay into the system.

Eligibility criteria for Social security disability insurance

To qualify for SSDI advantages, you must show that you can not do any job you have done before. You must also be able to show that there is no work available for which, given your age, level of education, and degree of physical and mental health, you might fairly get educated about that job.

However, to apply for SSDI, you need to have worked at a job you’ve paid into the social security program for the past ten years.

Your work tenure varies according to your age, but most applicants (especially applicants under 50) would need to have worked out of the last ten for at least five years.

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You can take the help of an online application for taking disability advantage:

  • If you are of 18 years of age or older; 
  • If you do not receive payments from your own Social Security record;
  • If you are unable to function because of a medical condition that is expected to last for at least 12 months or result in death; and
  • You have not refused disability payments in the past 60 days. If your application is not approved recently, you can use social security administration internet appeal as a starting point to request a clarification of the decision we made.

You can now also register online for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) only if you fulfill those requirements. You can file with SSI online:

  • If an individual age between 18 and 65;
  • If a person is not married;
  •  If a person is not bling;
  • If a person is a U.S. resident residing in one of the 50 states, Columbia District, or the Northern Mariana Islands;
  • If you have not yet applied for or earned SSI benefits; and
  • If you are at the same time filing for Social Security Disability insurance as the SSI claim. Find out if you qualify for Social Security Disability Payments.

After completion of the online procedure, a representative of the Social Security team will contact you by phone or mail for any additional details required for the applications.

You may also arrange an appointment to apply with a nearby Social Security office from 7 a.m., dial 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778). Up to 7 p.m., Monday to Friday, or call the nearest Office for Social Security.

How to apply for social security disability insurance (SSDI)

You will think of applying for SSDI as soon as you have reason to believe that you will have a disability in the long term. Before being eligible for SSDI, you will have to demonstrate that the illness is meant to last for at least one year or that it is meant for the whole life. You will check the Blue Book to make sure the condition you are experiencing meets the medical requirements.

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You would also need to prove that you can not do any job that would be classified as a significant gainful operation.

If you even believe that you might be permanently disabled, it is necessary to notify the Social Security Administration (SSA) of your purpose to file a claim. That is because when you first informed SSA of your purpose to register, your security filing date will be decided through it.

When applying for Social Security Disability insurance, you should strengthen yourself for a lengthy process. It denies most of the initial claims. If it rejects your argument, don’t let that stop you.

Process of evaluation for social security disability insurance

While the Social Security Administration (SSA) considers many conditions to be so serious that they immediately make an applicant disabled, it requires careful screening, including responding to these five questions:

1 Are you working right now?

If you’re working, and your average earnings are above $1,220 (in 2019), you won’t be considered disabled. If you don’t work or your income falls below the limits of Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA), then you move on to the next question.

2 Was your condition “severe”?

When Social Security decides that your disability does not interfere with routine work-related tasks, then you will not be deemed disabled. If your condition interferes with the daily work-related activities, then you proceed to question three.

3 Is your condition included in the Disabling Conditions list? 

Social Security keeps a record of disabling medical conditions that automatically identify you as disabled. If your situation is not one of these, then Social Security will decide if qualifying is serious enough. If so, you will be considered impaired, and your request will be accepted. If not, then you are going on to question four.

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4 Can you do the job that you have done before? 

You should not be considered incompetent if the disability does not interfere with the ability to do the job you used to do. If it does, then you can move on to problem five.

5 Can you do some other sort of job? 

Finally, if you can’t do the job you’ve done before, then Social Security will decide whether you should do some other kind of job. If Social Security decides you can adapt to other appropriate jobs. By taking into account your illness, age, education, prior job experience, and other factors, you will not be considered disabled, and your application will be rejected. If you are unable to adapt, then your claim will be accepted.

Information requires for applying for social security disability insurance

We suggest you have available the following details. It will make the application much easier to complete.

Data About you 

  • Your date and place of birth and Social Security number 
  • Your current spouse’s name, social security number and date of birth, and any former spouse. You should also know the times and places of marriage and the time of divorce or death (if applicable) 
  • The minor children’s names and date of birth
  • The Route Transit Number and account number of your bank or other financial institution, if you want the advantages electronically deposited

Data related to your medical condition:

  • Name, address and telephone number of someone whom SSA can contact who knows about your medical problems and can help you apply
  • Specific information about your medical ailments, accidents, or conditions: 

1 Names, addresses, telephone numbers, patient identification numbers, and discharge dates for all doctors, hospitals, and clinics;

2 Names of medications you are taking and who administered them, and

3 Names and years of medical tests you have undergone and who sent you to do so.

Rejection of disability advantages

When your social security disability insurance (SSDI) application is rejected (most initial requests are), you can appeal the decision. You will submit a Rejection Review within 60 days of obtaining the letter of rejection. The first step in the appeal process is the Request for Reconsideration, a review of your case by a separate investigator for disability claims. When you are again rejected, you will appeal to the next level by calling for a hearing with an administrative judge working with the SSA.