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Amazon, as the e-commerce giant, has seen massive volumes of sales every quarter, with values exceeding


Section 1: Survey Research Question 1:

Amazon, as the e-commerce giant, has seen massive volumes of sales every quarter, with values exceeding

$100 billion each time (Amazon.com, 2022) since the pandemic. Third-party sellers tend to benefit tremendously from Amazon's marketplace affiliation.

You are working in the marketing department for a company which is a luxury audio-visual system manufacturer. The company has its own offline and online advertising and retailing channels. Now the managers are thinking about whether to go to Amazon or not. Your department is responsible for the market investigation.

There are clearly pros and cons to joining Amazon. The platform can expand your customer base, at the same time, it's a constant price war on the platform where a cheaper alternative will always exist in a landscape of thousands of different sellers.

Your department plans to investigate the influence of opening a channel on Amazon on the existing customers and potential new customers. Please discuss how you will design a survey that can help collect data to support the decision making based on the following requirements.

1. Your survey should include at least two related constructs, e.g., brand loyalty, brand image, etc, in your survey. Your measures can be originated from existing scales in literature but must be adapted to this research context. Please include the definitions and measures as well as the references in the report.

2. Your target population should include both existing customers and potential new customers. Please define your target population and sampling frames and choose the sampling methods. Also please report your plan of survey administration.

3. Design your survey on Qualtrics and provide the link in the report. Your survey should include the introduction, some demographic questions, possible filtering questions and all the items for the constructs. Please make sure that the link is open for access.


Question 2:

You are running a startup with your business partners. You have launched a mobile app of sport fan community and the name of the App is Sporty. On the app, news can be posted, and the sport fans can like, repost, and comment on the posts as well as communicate with each other. Some additional services can be purchased by the customers.

The 1st version of the App has been in the market for half a year, you would like to investigate what factors will influence users’ intention and behavior to use the App and then see what you can improve in the App. Therefore, you recruited some existing customers and asked them to complete a survey.


You designed the survey according to the theory of UTAUT21 and adapted the research model to your business context. The research model and the construct scales are included in this document.

Some data have been collected. Please analyze the data file question2.dta and answer the following questions. Please write up the results and interpret the results as you are writing the data analytics part of a paper. Include all necessary tables and figures. If there is not enough space, please put the figures and tables in the appendix. (Submit all Stata codes used to answer the following questions in the DO file)

Question 2.1. In general, do customers use the app Sporty frequently? Get your conclusions based on the descriptive statistics from the three items of Use Behavior. Plot some graphs if needed.

Question 2.2. Are the measures of the constructs Subjective Norm and Facilitating Conditions reliable? How about the validity?

Question 2.3. According to the theoretical model, you are going to test the following hypotheses. Please report your analysis result and conclusion.

H1. Hedonic Motivation will have a positive effect on Behavioral Intention H2: Price Value will have a positive effect on Behavioral Intention

H3. Subjective Norm will have a positive effect on Behavioral Intention H4. Behavioral Intention will have a positive effect on Use Behavior.

H5. Facilitating Conditions will have a positive effect on Use Behavior.

Figure 1. Research Model Measurement scales for the mobile App Sporty

Hedonic Motivation (7-point Likert scale anchored with strongly disagree to strongly agree) HM1. Using the mobile App Sporty is fun.

HM2. Using mobile App Sporty is enjoyable.



1 Venkatesh, V., Thong, J. Y., & Xu, X. (2012). Consumer acceptance and use of information technology: extending the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology. MIS quarterly, 157-178.


HM3. Using mobile App Sporty is very entertaining. HM4. Using mobile App Sporty is very playful.

Price Value (7-point Likert scale anchored with strongly disagree to strongly agree) PV1. Sporty is reasonably priced.

PV2. Sporty is a good value for the money.

PV3. At the current price, Sporty provides a good value.

PV4. Given your experiences of Sporty and the current price how would you rate the App? Subjective Norm (SN) (7-point Likert scale anchored with strongly disagree to strongly agree) SN1: Most people who are important to me think I should use Sporty

SN2: Most people who are important to me would want me to use Sporty SN3: People whose opinions I value would prefer me to use Sporty

Facilitating Conditions (FC) (7-point Likert scale anchored with strongly disagree to strongly agree) FC1: I have the resources and the knowledge and the ability to make use of Sporty

FC2: A central support was available to help with problem in using Sporty

FC3: The customer support provided most of the necessary help and resources for Sporty Behavioral Intention (BI)

BI1: I predict I will continue to use Sporty on a regular basis (7-point Likert scale anchored with strongly disagree to strongly agree)

BI2: What are the chances in 100 that you will continue as a Sporty user? (1) Zero; (2) 1–10%; (3) 11– 30%; (4) 31–50%; (5) 51–70%; (6) 71–90%; or (7) more than 90%

BI3: I would use Sporty rather than any other Apps available (7-point Likert scale anchored with strongly disagree to strongly agree)

Use Behavior (USE)

USE1: On an average working day, how much time do you spend using Sporty?

(1) Almost never; (2) less than 30 min; (3) from 30 min to 1 h; (4) from 1 to 2 h; (5) from 2 to 3 h; and (6) more than 3 h

USE2: On average, how frequently do you use Sporty?

(1) Less than once a month; (2) once a month; (3) a few times a month; (4) a few times a week; (5) about once a day; and (6) several times a day

USE3: How many different functions have you tried out in Sporty?

(1) None; (2) one; (3) two; (4) three; (5) four to five; and (6) six or more than six



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