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Oscar ColeEnglish

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Jeremiah BennetttEconomics

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Stevan DuignannNursing

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Ashraf AliComputer science

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Recent Statistics Questions & Answers

Python Programming

The fundamental operations of create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) in either Python or Java

CS 340 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric  Overview: For this assignment, you will implement the fundamental operations of create, read, update,

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Java Programming

Develop a program to emulate a purchase transaction at a retail store. This  program will have two classes, a LineItem class and a Transaction class

Retail Transaction Programming Project  Project Requirements:  Develop a program to emulate a purchase transaction at a retail store. This

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C Programming

The following program contains five errors. Identify the errors and fix them

7COM1028   Secure Systems Programming   Referral Coursework: Secure

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Python Programming

Accepts the following from a user: Item Name Item Quantity Item Price Allows the user to create a file to store the sales receipt contents

Create a GUI program that:Accepts the following from a user:Item NameItem QuantityItem PriceAllows the user to create a file to store the sales receip

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C Sharp Programming

This assignment exercises interfaces and generics. Be sure and read the assignment submission instructions provided previously. It gives you the content and format of what I expect you to post.

Assignment 8  This assignment exercises interfaces and generics. Be sure and read the assignment submission instructions provided previously. It

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Glastonbury Festival 2019 Project Summary Scenario. Create a fully proof-read and well-structured Microsoft Word Evaluation Report that includes the following sections

 “Glastonbury Festival 2019” - Project Summary Scenario A Single UI page with Multi Browser Compatible and Mobile-friendly Responsi

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C++ Programming

Create a proxy server that can be connected by a single client and would only allow http requests

Programming Assignment #1 CSCE 3530 - Introduction to Computer Networks Fall 2017 100 Points Due: 06/19/2019, 11:59 PM   Instructions: 

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Python Programming

Learning outcomes of this assessment

Learning outcomes of this assessment The learning outcomes covered by this assignment are: • Provide a broad overview of the general field of &l

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C Programming

UNIX and C Programming Mock Test

Curtin University — Department of Computing  UNIX and C Programming 120 (10163)  Mock Test 1B  Practice for Test 1  Real tes

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