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Based on your analysis and data visualization work, you will deliver a brief PowerPoint deck to TPS.


Based on your analysis and data visualization work, you will deliver a brief PowerPoint deck to TPS. The main presentation should be limited to 3 slides containing; Slide 1. Problem Statement, Slide 2. Key Findings and Insights, and Slide 3. Recommendations and Next Steps. You can include an Appendix of any length with supplementary information, however, the main presentation must include PowerPoint elements such as; embedded media (controlled video or pictures or audio as appropriate), slide transitions, as well as summary charts and graphs highlighting your analysis.

Submit your Summary Presentation Deck as an attached PowerPoint file called;

XX_Assignment_3_Part_2_Pitch_Deck.ppt where XX is replaced by your assigned group number (or first and last initials for non-group assignments.


In addition to submitting the pitch deck, each team is required to develop and upload a recorded version of their PowerPoint presentation (3 Minute Maximum). There are a variety of screen presentation recording options built into PowerPoint, (click here for an example) or alternatively, you can use the Camtasia screen recording software available through GBC’s AppsAnywhere. Make sure that you produce a recording of the slide show that contains each member of the team providing voice narration through at least one slide each. (i.e. do not simply export the slide show as a video without any live narration recorded)



Submit a recorded Presentation Version of your Summary Presentation Deck as an attached .mp4 video recording file called;


XX_Assignment_3_Part_2_Live_Presentation.mp4 where XX is replaced by your assigned group number (or first and last initials for non-group assignments.




Deliverable 3. - Exploratory Data Analysis Workbook (70%)

Required components of Deliverable 3.


You will be required to develop a multi-sheet Excel workbook that takes the original raw data and shows a progression of your analysis. This workbook must be clearly and intuitively laid out with appropriate labelling and user documentation so that it can be handed over to TPS for their internal use.


The following sheet structure is recommended as a guideline:

Sheet 1 – Should contain your raw source data

Sheet 2, 3 – Should contain a series of a range of exploratory graphical visualizations based on the raw data. A range of contrasting chart types should be appropriately used, and the 4 C’s of infographics are expected (Clear, Clean, Concise, and Captivating)


Sheet 4 – An Interactive, Visual Dashboard showing Key Performance Metrics. This should include; a selection of summary pivot charts and tables that include interactive elements (such as slicers or filters)

Sheet 5 – Modeling and Analysis of Police Staffing. Using the various decision analysis techniques covered in the course, AND based on the dataset provided to you, develop a form of What If analysis that allows the TPS to analyse various staffing scenarios. Feel free to frame this problem as you see fit. You can consider techniques such as;

What If planning or forecasting staffing model,

What if planning and forecasting bicycle theft model

Scenarios using Scenario Manager

Applications of Goal Seek

Data Tables

Solver or a Statistical add in package


For the what if analysis modelling component, you will need to make some assumptions. Feel free to develop the framework of the model at your own discretion. For the purposes of developing a model the following performance metrics have been provided by TPS. These metrics were based analysis done in 2016, however for consistency, feel free to re-use them as part of your analysis:



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