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Can you conclude that the average number of hours worked per week in the U.S. is 40 hours, or has this changed?




"Open a Word/Google document to answer the following questions in the context of the problem using complete sentences. Be sure to include a heading with your name, date, semester, section and assignment title.


"Open StatCrunch from our course at the MyStatLab website. Select the StatCrunch tab in the left column. Click on Visit the StatCrunch website link and Open StatCrunch.


Confidence intervals in StatCrunch:


For proportions: From the tool bar, select Stat> Proportion Stats > One Sample > With Summary. Enter the number of successes, x, and the number of observations, n. Check the button for Confidence Interval for p and indicate the confidence level. Compute. Use the Options box to copy the output into your answer.


For means: Stat >TStats > One Sample > With Summary. Enter the mean, standard deviation, and sample size. Check the button for Confidence Interval for u and indicate the confidence level. Compute. Use the Options box to copy the output into your answer.


Introduction: GSS


The General Social Survey (GSS) is an opinion survey that has been conducted for more than 30 years by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago. About 2000 adult Americans are given a 90-minute interview asking about opinions and behaviors for a wide variety of issues. To access the GSS website, go to sda.berkeley.edu/GSS using No Weight as the default weight selection.


1. Americans were asked: Is it the government's responsibility to impose strict laws to make industry do less damage to the environment? Results from both 1996 and 2006 can be found in the GSS.


Type GRNLAWS in Row: and YEAR in Column: then Run the table.


a) Use StatCrunch and the 2006 data to create a 90% confidence interval for the true proportion of all Americans answering 'definitely should be' to this question. Include a check of the necessary conditions in your answer. Copy and paste the output from StatCrunch.


b) Interpret your interval in context.


c) Can you conclude whether a majority of the population would answer 'definitely should be"? Explain using your confidence interval.


d) Is there a difference in the responses from 1996 and 2006? Use the segmented bar graphs to comment.


2. The Fair Labor Standards Act was passed in 1938. Since then, the standard work week in the United States has been 40 hours. In recent years, the standard work week has fallen to less than 40 hours in most of Western Europe and in Australia. Many believe that the work-oriented culture in the U.S. has resulted in pressure among workers to put in longer hours than the 40-hour standard. In industries such as investment banking, a 40-hour work week is considered "slacker" behavior and may result in losing a job.


Is the average number of hours worked per week in the U.S. 40 hours, or has this changed? For those working in 2014, the GSS asked adult Americans: "How many hours did you work last week?"


The summary statistics can be found in the GSS: sda.berkeley.edu/GSS using No Weight as default


Type HRS1 in Row: and YEAR(2014) in Selection Filter:


Under Output Options, uncheck Column under Percentaging and check Summary Statistics.


Under Chart Options, select Bar Chart under Type of Chart, then Run the table.


You will need these summary statistics for your work in StatCrunch.


a) Use StatCrunch to find a 95% confidence interval for the average hours worked weekly in the U.S.. Include a check of the necessary conditions in your answer. Copy and paste the output from StatCrunch.


b) Interpret your interval in context.


c) Can you conclude that the average number of hours worked per week in the U.S. is 40 hours, or has this changed? Explain using your confidence interval.


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