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Compare graphically and statistically if the mean age of moving out from parental home differs between men and women in Finland.


1. Do boys and girls in Finland differ in terms of the average age at which they move out from their parental home? To answer this, do the following:

a. Check the format of the variable 'cntry' (country), and decide how you want to go about it b. Use the variable 'lvpntyr' (year when left parental home for the first time for 2 or more months) and 'yrbrn' (birth year) to create a new variable referring to the age at which the respondent went living independently from their parents for the first time.

c. Note, that you obtain some negative codes on the new variable for those respondents who still live with their parents (coded with 0 on the original variable), and those who never lived with their parents (coded with 1111 on the original variable). On the new variable, replace all negative codes with 0 if the respondents are still living with their parents, and with missing value if they never lived with their parents.

d. Compare graphically and statistically if the mean age of moving out from parental home differs between men and women in Finland. Limit your analysis to those aged 25 and older.

2. As a student in MPInvest/DPInvest, you will learn about intergenerational relationships, i.e. parents' resources/characteristics that influence their children's resources/characteristics. Follow the steps below to analyse if education should be considered an intergenerational resource i.e. if the respondents' education level relate to that of their parents:

a) Choose any country of your interest and limit your analysis to that one

b) Use the variable eisced (respondents' education) to generate a new education-variable by recoding it into three levels: lower secondary or less (corresponding to ISCED I-II), upper secondary (corresponding to ISCED IIIa, IIIb, IV), and tertiary (ISCED V1-V2)

c) Use the variables eiscedm (mothers' education) and eiscedf (father's education) to generate a new variable measuring whether the parents have higher education level with the following three categories: neither one has higher education, one of the parents has higher education level, both parents have higher education level.

Note: to minimize the risk of mistakes, you should first build one dichotomous variable for the tertiary level education for each parent, and only thereafter create the new variable for both parents' education

d) Analyse graphically and statistically, if there is a relationship between the respondents level of education and that of their parents in the country of your interest. In conclusion, would you consider education an intergenerational resource?


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