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Python Programming

Compose a program day.py that accepts a date as input and writes the day of the week on which that date falls. Your program should accept three inputs: m (month), d (day), and y (year).


Exercise I - Day of The Week

Compose a program day.py that accepts a date as input and writes the day of the week on which that date falls. Your program should accept three inputs: m (month), d (day), and y (year). For m use 1 for January, 2 for February, and so forth. For output you should get 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, and so forth. Use the following formulas, for the Gregorian calendar, you should print the value of d0.

For example, 2 Aug, 1853 was a Sunday (0)


Exercise II - Salary


Write a program, netSalary.py, which computes your net salary by adding allowances to the basic salary.

First you should ask the user to enter his/her basic salary, then you have to display the basic salary, transport allowance, housing allowance and net salary. Assume that the transport allowance is 10% of the basic salary and that the housing allowance is another 50% of the basic salary. The net salary is the sum of basic salary, transport allowance and housing allowance. A sample run for a basic salary of 3000 is given below. The output of your program should exactly match this sample output when the basic salary is 3000.

Enter Your Basic Salary:3000


Your Basic Salary is:


Transport Allowance:


Housing Allowance:




Net Salary:             4800

Exercise III -            Temperature Converter

Write a program temp.py that declares and initializes a variable that represents a temperature of a certain day in degrees Celsius. You should convert the given temperature to Fahrenheit and print it out. To convert

to Fahrenheit, multiply by 1.8 and add 32

Exercise IV -            Electricity Bill

 Write a program that calculates how much you should pay for your electricity bill. Every bill has a basic fixed fee of 25,000 that should be paid in addition to an amount of money that varies according to your consumption. More precisely, the electricity bill is calculated according to the following table:

Basic Fee

25000 LL

First 200 KW

35 L.L./KW

Second 200 KW

80 L.L./KW

Above 400 KW

150 L.L./KW

Example: If the consumption is 430 KW, the user should pay = 25000 + 35*200 + 80*200 + 150* 30 =52500, another example: if the consumption if 190 KW, the user should pay = 25000 + 35*190 = 31650

Hint: as you can see in the examples above, if the consumption is less than 200 KW the used formula is 25000+35*consumption, and if the consumption is above 400 KW we are using another formula, etc.

 Exercise V - Sentence Analysis

 Open the program (SentenceAnalysis.py) that declares and initializes a string paragraph. Add the corresponding code to print:

  1. the number of sentences making up this paragraph. Sentences usually end with “.”, “?”, or “!”. Hint: create a list that contains the separated sentences in the text

  2. the position of a sentence to be removed (“It was based on guidebooks popular among

Hellenic sightseers”)

  1. remove the first occurrence of this sentence

  2. how many sentences remain

  3. the number of words making up this paragraph. Hint: create another list that contains the separated


Exercise VI -            Text Replacement

 Karim is a Lebanese investor who wants to create a new product similar to Nutella. As part of his media campaign, Karim has to prepare a script describing his product. To save some time, he took the script from a website describing another product (Nutella) and decided to replace few words from the script using python.

In this exercise you should use python to help Karim replace the following words to get his script ready for his campaign:

Nutella -> Chocotella Ferrero -> Sweetolate an Italian -> a Lebanese Pietro -> Jimmy

You have the following text: (use text.py)

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