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Conduct a panel data investigation using a balanced sample of the data for the first eight Waves


Part 1 (60 marks)

Provide a brief overview (1-2 paragraphs) on well-being and the explanatory variables you have included. You may find it useful to identify a focal point rather than discussing each explanatory variable. Refer to academic literature and set out the equation / model you are estimating.

Conduct a panel data investigation using a balanced sample of the data for the first eight Waves (Waves 2-9 inclusive). You should estimate POLS, RE and FE models, appropriately tabulate and interpret the results (identifying differences and similarities between the results, with explanations offered). Undertake appropriate analysis and tests in determining the preferred estimation method. Provide a brief conclusion.

Part 2 (30 marks)

The second part of the assignment requires you to undertake an analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on well-being. Provide a brief overview (approximately 1 paragraph) on the possible relationship between COVID-19 and well-being.

The dataset is to be restricted to the last two Waves (Waves 10 and 11) (you need to decide whether to place any further restrictions on this). Here you are expected to undertake appropriate analysis in relation to treatment effects (the second study listed on page 2 is a useful guide here). Again, you should set out the framework (i.e., model) you intend to use to estimate the relationship. Results should be appropriately tabulated and discussed. Provide a brief conclusion.


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