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Construct the reports requested below using the Query Design tool in Access


Construct the reports requested below using the Query Design tool in Access.  Be sure to be flipping back and forth between the Design/SQL/Data views to understand how your report is changing throughout construction. If you need a reference remember Lab Assignments #4 and #6 asked you to perform similar queries.  The sales queries workbook we discussed in class is also available on D2L as a reference. 

A)     Total Sales:  Provide a report for Total Sales at Sy’s fish.

B)     Gross Profit #1:  Provide a report of Total Sales by Sy’s fish location.  Each location should show up in your report only one time.  Your report should begin with the location that has the highest sales at the top and conclude with the least sales at the bottom.

C)     Gross Profit #2:  Provide a report of COGS by Sy’s fish location (using standard costs).  Each location should show up in your report only one time.  Your report should begin with the location that has the highest COGS at the top and conclude with the least COGS at the bottom.

D)     A/R #1:  Provide a report of Sales by Customer.  This report should be sorted by customer number from the lowest number to the highest number.

E)      A/R #2:  Provide a report of Cash Receipts by Customer. This report should be sorted by customer number from the lowest number to the highest number.

F)      CREATE-YOUR-OWN!  Sy’s fish is looking for a way to boost overall sales.  Management is requesting a report that could help them achieve that goal.  Construct a query that provides a report that would inform management’s strategic decision-making around boosting sales.  Make sure your query includes all of the commands we’ve discussed in class thus far (Select, From, GroupBy, OrderBy, Where/Having).  

Deliverable:  Copy and paste the SQL script from each of the queries you constructed above into a Word document for printing.  In addition to your SQL script, please also copy and paste the first four records from your generated report in the datasheet view.  For the create-your-own query please also include a brief (1-2 sentence) explanation of your report and how it would be used.  Print this document and include it in the stack to turn in.


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