1 [value]
2 [value]
3 [value]
4 [value]
5 [value]
6 [value]
7 [value]
8 [value]
9 [value]
• If your CodeGrade output is <fct> instead of <chr>, you can use as.character(driver) to convert it
• Assign that to Q1
1. Create a variable that is the ratio of bill to pizza, called ratio. What is the mean of that value (call the value mean_ratio)?
• Assign this to Q2
1. For each day of the week, what is the variance in pizzas?
• The created values should be called var_pizzas.
• The answer should be assigned to Q3 and show look like the following:
1 Friday [value]
2 Monday [value]
3 Saturday [value]
4 Sunday [value]
5 Thursday [value]
6 Tuesday [value]
7 Wednesday [value]
1. Which operator had the higher average bill?
• The answer should be assigned to Q4.
1. What was the highest amount of free wine given by day/driver combination? (For instance, Friday Bruno was 13, while Wednesday Salvator was 12)
• The answer should be assigned to Q5 and look like the following:
# A tibble: 1 x 3
# Groups: day, driver [1]
day driver n
<chr> <chr> <int>
1 [day] [name] [value]
Depending on how you do this, you might need to convert a <dbl> to <int>. You can convert a variable using as.integer().
For this assignment, you must name your R file msleep.R
• For all questions you should load tidyverse. You should not need to use any other libraries.
o Load tidyverse with suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(tidyverse))
o The actual data set is called msleep
• Round all float/dbl values to two decimal places.
o If your rounding does not work the way you expect, convert the tibble to a dataframe by using as.data.frame()
• All statistics should be run with variables in the order I state
o E.g., “Run a regression predicting mileage from mpg, make, and type” would be:
lm(mileage ~ mpg + make + type...)
Before attempting to answer these, or if you lose points upon an attempt, please review all CodeGrade information provided in the CodeGrade overview submodule - if you do not you are likely to lose points.
1. What is the variance in total sleep for carni vores and those whose conservation status is lc?
• Your answer should be in a 1 X 1 data frame with a value called ‘var’ with formatting like this:
1 [value]
1. What rodent (order Rodentia) has the highest total sleep/rem sleep ratio?
• Your answer should be in a 1 X 1 tibble assigned to Q2 with formatting like this:
# A tibble: 1 x 1
1 [name]
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