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Python Programming

DigiPeg Solitaire, the user can specify how many rows [1-9] and how many columns [1-9] the board should have. pegs can jump over an adjacent peg into an empty space.


Four empty functions in a Python program - everything else is written and cannot be changed.  Output must be able to match the attached transcripts.

How it's supposed to work:

In DigiPeg Solitaire, the user can specify how many rows [1-9] and how many columns [1-9] the board should have.

In DigiPeg Solitaire, pegs can jump over an adjacent peg into an empty space. The jumping peg, the adjacent peg, and the empty space must be in a straight line as in Peg Triangle Solitaire. The potential direction for a peg to jump is over, under, left, or right.

When a jump is made the adjacent peg (the peg that was jumped over) is removed.

The game is over when no more moves are possible.

When 2 or fewer pegs remain when the game ends, the message "You're a DigiPeg Genius!"

When 3 or 4 pegs remain, the message "Not too shabby, rookie."

When 5 or 6 pegs remain, the message "That's nothing to write home about."

When 7 or more pegs remain, the message "You're a DigiPeg Igno-Ra-Moose"



Python 3.8.2 (v3.8.2:7b3ab5921f) 
[Clang 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
=== RESTART: /Users/danieldefrance/Desktop/program5/Daniel-DeFrance-Prog5.py ===
Welcome to Peg Rectangle Solitaire!

Enter the number of rows [1 - 9]: 4
Enter the number of columns [1 - 9]: 4
Enter the empty space row [1 - 4]: 2
Enter empty space column [1 - 4]: 2

    1   2   3   4  
1 | o | o | o | o |
2 | o |   | o | o |
3 | o | o | o | o |
4 | o | o | o | o |

Enter the row of the peg to move [1 - 4]: 2
Enter the column of the peg to move [1 - 4]: 4
Enter the row where the peg lands [1 - 4]: 2
Enter the column where the peg lands [1 - 4]: 2

    1   2   3   4  
1 | o | o | o | o |
2 | o | o |   |   |
3 | o | o | o | o |
4 | o | o | o | o |

Enter the row of the peg to move [1 - 4]: 2
Enter the column of the peg to move [1 - 4]: 1
Enter the row where the peg lands [1 - 4]: 2
Enter the column where the peg lands [1 - 4]: 3

    1   2   3   4  
1 | o | o | o | o |
2 |   |   | o |   |
3 | o | o | o | o |
4 | o | o | o | o |

Enter the row of the peg to move [1 - 4]: 4
Enter the column of the peg to move [1 - 4]: 1
Enter the row where the peg lands [1 - 4]: 1
Enter the column where the peg lands [1 - 4]: 1
Sorry.  That move is not allowed.

    1   2   3   4  
1 | o | o | o | o |
2 |   |   | o |   |
3 | o | o | o | o |
4 | o | o | o | o |

Enter the row of the peg to move [1 - 4]: 4
Enter the column of the peg to move [1 - 4]: 1
Enter the row where the peg lands [1 - 4]: 2
Enter the column where the peg lands [1 - 4]: 1

    1   2   3   4  
1 | o | o | o | o |
2 | o |   | o |   |
3 |   | o | o | o |
4 |   | o | o | o |

Enter the row of the peg to move [1 - 4]: 3
Enter the column of the peg to move [1 - 4]: 3
Enter the row where the peg lands [1 - 4]: 3
Enter the column where the peg lands [1 - 4]: 1

    1   2   3   4  
1 | o | o | o | o |
2 | o |   | o |   |
3 | o |   |   | o |
4 |   | o | o | o |

Enter the row of the peg to move [1 - 4]: 1
Enter the column of the peg to move [1 - 4]: 3
Enter the row where the peg lands [1 - 4]: 3
Enter the column where the peg lands [1 - 4]: 3

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