Topic: Choose any two institutions from the second half of the module.( The Wellcome Collection & The Science Gallery ) Compare and contrast them in terms of how they address the relationship between art and science.
Style of writing: formal academic writing with footnotes and a bibliography
thesis(a clear and strong argument) main body(each paragraph should have leading sentence and ends with ) conclusion: summary of argument reflection and some final points to consider
1.two exhibitions【each with 1-2 artwork(with illustration, properly cited) and its artist in focus; must include detailed, formal visual analysis supported with academic references-quotes or paraphrase; must include in-depth discussion of the artist’s aims in relation to the topic】:
1.'Misbehaving Bodies' from the wellcome collection
2. 'Genders: Making and Breaking the Binary' from the science gallery
2.two institution’s aims, ambitions and functions in terms of art and science; and the specific strategies that they use to engage audiences.(see the websites of these two institutions, lots of useful information but needs to be paraphrased and integrated in the essay with examples)
what were the aims of the two exhibitions?
what did they each want to say about gender and/or health and medicine? how did each exhibition try and achieve these aims and how successful do you think they were?
what kinds of artworks did the curators include in each exhibition, and why? do the exhibitions reinforce or overcome the boundaries between art and science, and why?
how did the institutional context shape the exhibitions, do you think?
Goal:70 - 74%
Evidence of extensive reading and engagement with the ideas of others.
Evidence of outstanding analytical/synthetic ability and critical thinking.
Evidence of ability to argue logically and organise answers coherently.
Evidence of deep understanding of subject of module.
Excellent use of textual, visual and/or material analysis in support of argument.
Awareness of the limitations of evidence.
Correct and consistent use of scholarly notation and bibliography.
Remember to give your essay a title!
Writing guide(format, citation style, bibliography etc.): see document 1
Course overview: (to get a sense of what themes and topics we are dealing with in this course )
This thematic seminar begins with the provocation that art and science are two distinct fields of study and practice. From the birth of photography in the 19th century to C.P. Snow’s famous 1959 lecture, The Two Cultures, both modernism and modernity have long struggled with recognizing the myriad ways in which these realms are connected. And yet, not only have images always been central to the shaping of scientific knowledge but developments in science and technology are inseparable from any understanding of visual culture, including art. This thematic seminar therefore looks at the rich history of thinking art and science together, with a particular focus on how key institutions in London and beyond have worked to overcome this separation. Together we will be visiting – either in person or virtually – historical anatomical collections and displays, such as the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons, as well as innovative new contemporary art spaces such as the Science Gallery at Kings College London. The first half of the module will focus more on the scholarship related to these ideas, while the second half will be focused around the various ways in which museums and galleries have approached the relationship between art and science.
This week we will be considering a range of institutions that have emerged in the last decade, which have positioned themselves at the intersection of contemporary art and science. These institutions tend to exhibit work by contemporary artists that engages with current debates within the sciences, from new perspectives on gender to thinking about health and well-being. In this session, we will be focusing primarily on the Wellcome Collection, the Science Gallery at Kings College London, and the nearby Crick Institute. We will be asking whether such institutions reflect a coming together of C.P. Snow's 'Two Cultures'(see document 3) in recent years, and the extent to which they are able to operate at the cutting edge of both art and science.
1. READ: document 2 Medicine Man: The Forgotten Museum of Henry Wellcome
2. READ: history of the wellcome
3. VISIT: The Wellcome Collection
Due to current government restrictions, it is likely that this visit will need to be conducted remotely. While there is not a 'virtual tour' per se, the Wellcome Collection does make extensive aspects of its programming available online. Please therefore take time to explore the current work of the collection in depth and detail. I would recommend reading about their aims and ambitions, as well as their exhibitions programme, for which you might like to focus on their permanent display 'Being Human' and the recent exhibition 'Misbehaving Bodies' (please note that as well as exhibition documentation there are audio guides and articles to read).
I would also like everyone to take a virtual visit to the Science Gallery, housed within the Kings College campus in London Bridge. This gallery was opened recently but already they have undertaken innovative work with contemporary artists. Please read widely about the work of the Gallery here, and then take a virtual visit to their past exhibition 'Genders: Making and Breaking the Binary' (please note you will need to click through the different sections to view the artworks).
What are some of the similarities and differences between the Wellcome Collection and the Science Gallery? How do they differ in their aims and ambitions, and the specific strategies that they use to engage audiences?
Important! Lecturer’s notes on this assignment and suggested reading list:
here are a few ideas for readings to help with your research on the two exhibitions.
Both exhibitions deal with the body, so you might find it helpful to read about the body in art. There are many texts on this that you will be able to find, but some suggestions are
-Amelia Jones, Body/Art: Performing the Subject
-Sally O'Reilly, The Body in Contemporary Art
The exhibitions also engage with questions of health, medicine and gender in a contemporary context. Again, this is a very large field, but for this some useful texts might be
-Beatriz/Paul Preciado, Testo Junkie (both a book and a shorter article on E-Flux)
-Giulia Smith 'Kill or Cure' (attached)
-Ludmilla Jordanova, Sexual Visions: Images of Gender in Science and Medicine
Please do also read around the individual artists featured in the exhibitions. In particular, you will find a lot that has been written on Jo Spence (featured in the Wellcome exhibition) and there are some good materials on Jenna Sutela and Danielle Braithwaite Shirley (from the Science Gallery exhibition).
To help you write your essay, you may find it helpful to consider the following questions: what were the aims of the two exhibitions? what did they each want to say about gender and/or health and medicine? how did each exhibition try and achieve these aims and how successful do you think they were? what kinds of artworks did the curators include in each exhibition, and why? do the exhibitions reinforce or overcome the boundaries between art and science, and why? how did the institutional context shape the exhibitions, do you think?
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