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Evaluation of aims and objectives plays a key role in order to fulfill requirements of a workplace.


Task 1: Manager's briefing paper

1.1 Evaluations of aims and objectives of employment regulation

Evaluation of aims and objectives plays a key role in order to fulfill requirements of a workplace. Employment law in the UK consists of many common laws, European laws and statute law and all regulations have only one motive to provide a working environment in the same ways without any bias. Some of the examples of employment regulation law in the UK that has been working really well in the country based on employee engagement “Disability Discrimination Act 2010”, “Equality act, 2010” and “National Minimum Wage Act, 1998”. Employment regulation or law is aimed to provide some legal protection to managers and employees in the relationship between businesses and provides fairness for all without any partiality. 

Command verbs

It gives a clear description of the way of practicing the laws by adopting the pros and cores of every situation and handling them with precise messieurs. It provides how the professionals make different stages of court proceedings which can be listed in steps format. 

The professional first separates the provided information and identifies its characteristics.

They move to the next step by putting it to operational use by acknowledging the information.  

Generate calculative measures and carry out the process by collecting and communicating with the parties.  

they conduct the proceedings by creating contrasting and demonstrating the issue by proper description and designing the plan according to a court proceeding 

AC 1.2 Role played by the tribunal and courts system in enforcing employment law


The UK employment law is categorized based on private law and civil law (Cipd.co.uk, 2022). It is usually based on the enforcement of the outcome of the claimant (one party) that is suing another or may be considered as the respondent. It is either for some sort of civil court-based remedy or any type of compensation. The claimant is generally the worker or employee, worker or a format; it may also include a job applicant who was unsuccessful. 

Decisions of the Employment Appeals Tribunal can be appealed to the Court of Appeals or, in Scotland, to the Sessions Courts. This is relatively rare. Because when a dispute reaches this level in the court hierarchy, the losing side usually has to bear the costs of the winning side. Additionally, high-level attorneys are typically involved in litigation, which can be expensive.

Nevertheless, the Courts of Appeal and the Civil Courts are typically called upon to consider a large number of employment cases each year, sometimes overturning decisions of the Employment Appeal Court and sometimes reinstating the original Labor Court decisions.

The Court of Appeal case will be heard by her panel of three Court of Appeal judges in London. This may include a Master of the Rolls (the Supreme Court of Appeals Judge). In Edinburgh Courts, cases are heard by panels of three or five judges.

A further appeal to the Supreme Court is possible only if the legal issue of "public importance" is challenged. In other words, the principles must be important enough to affect many employers and employees, not just the parties to the case. The number of employment cases brought before the Supreme Court each year varies. but rarely more than 6 or 7. The Supreme Court has the final say in all matters relating exclusively to English law.

The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) hears appeals from employment tribunals and has offices in both London and Edinburgh. If the losing side in an employment tribunal matter desires to appeal the ruling, they have 42 days to do so and must provide written justification for the appeal. Despite being few in number, appeals to the EAT are quite significant. This is so because EAT rulings outline how all future employment tribunals should understand and apply the law. Unless there is a requirement for lay people to be present, EAT judges typically sit by themselves.

Once the appeal is heard by the EAT, there are four possible outcomes:

Appeals can be dismissed.

Appeals might be allowed.

The appeal may be upheld and remanded to the original Labor Chamber for final decision, or

The appeal is granted and may be remanded to another constituent of the Labor Court to review the evidence and make a final decision.

Since the EAT's main task is to make decisions about how the law should be interpreted, it often has to remand cases to the Labor Court for a final decision. How the case is decided on the basis of the specific facts or what the appropriate compensation is is a matter for the Labor Court. All EAT decisions are published online. Decisions with the highest legal significance are published in legal journals such as the Industrial Relations Law Report (IRLR) and the Industrial Case Report (ICR). Legal reports from the British and Irish Legal Information Institute (Bailii) website are available free of charge.

Employment cases are initiated in one of the 3 courts: 

1. Employment Tribunal 

2. County Court 

3. High Court 

Which court hears a case relies in part on the legal issue that has to be resolved and in part on how much money the claimant is asking for. An employment tribunal typically hears cases involving an alleged violation of an employment statute, which is an Act of Parliament or a set of regulations made pursuant to an Act of Parliament. The county court can hear cases involving alleged common law violations, such as contract violations or negligent acts. Common law lawsuits are also heard by the High Court, although often only where the claimant is asking for damages that are greater than £50,000. These broad guidelines do have some notable outliers, though. Employment tribunals, for instance, may take into account accusations involving breaches of contract when: 

The former employee brings the case 

Compensation being asked for is less than £25,000 

On the other hand, some statutory matters can be heard in the High Court or the County Court. For instance, this can happen if a claimant wants to pursue an equal pay suit. Normally, the employment tribunal will handle this problem, but only if the claimant presents their claim form within six months of the alleged date on which the employer engaged in illegal behavior. 

Employment tribunals' authority has increasingly expanded over time. More than 80 different claim kinds are now audible to them, including:

unfair dismissal

unlawful discrimination

unauthorized deductions from wages

redundancy payments

equal pay

whistleblowing (that is, breaches of the Public Interest Disclosure Act)

Family-friendly employment regulations (for example maternity/ paternity leave, right to request flexible working etc).

They can also handle violations of the National Minimum Wage and the Working Time Regulations 1998.

The crucial role of the "employment tribunal and the court system" is based on ensuring the raised cases are bought due to deal along with in a consistent and fair manner. It can be considered that both the employer and the employee place the evidence. The employment tribunal of the UK generally deals with the claim that is raised against the employees by the workers or the employees regarding the termination of employment of a particular employee. The employment relationship is governed by "statute law" and by the "law of Contract" (Cipd.co.uk, 2022). Several disputes that are contractual can be dealt with by "ordinary civil court (it may include High court) or by a tribunal". "Multiple statutory rights can only be enforced in a tribunal".  The types of employment tribunal disputes include "Unfair dismissal', "Wrongful dismissal", "Discrimination (race, sex, disability, religion or belief; sexual orientation, age, maternity or paternity leave/pay)", "Equal pay" "Deductions from wages" (Cipd.co.uk, 2022). However, Civil Court based disputes includes Workplace accidents, "Restrictive covenants", "Contract claims for non-payment of wages", "Wrongful dismissal claims and other contract claims". 

There are two types of court-based hearings for employment tribunals, Full hearing and Preliminary hearing. Additionally, the two types of preparation parties' requirements are: "Exchange lists of all documents relevant to the claim" and "Prepare witness statements".

Depending on the availability of time, the judgment is not provided on the very same day of the hearing. Based on the type of the claim the tribunal concludes with a favorable decision for the claimant. It may include Compensation, 

"Reinstatement (the employee gets their job back)", "re-engagement (the employee returns to the organization in a new role)", and "Payment of wages or monies due to the employee".



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