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Explain the concept of heteroscedasticity assumption as related to regression analysis.


This assignment is made up of three questions, all questions carry equal marks. Answer all THREE questions.

Tables 1 to 3 is Multiple Regression SPSS outputs using the forward method. Use Tables 1 to 3 to answer QUESTION 1.

1ai) Explain the concept of heteroscedasticity assumption as related to regression analysis. (2mks)

ii) As a researcher, what factors would you consider as influencing an individual’s 

     happiness with his/her job based on this analysis? (3mks)

iii) Explain the R squared value of model 3.  (5mks)

bi) Write the standardized model for this regression analysis. (4mks)

 ii) Which of the predictors is the most important and why? (2mks)

iii) How would you interpret the beta weight of the least predictor with respect to the criterion in this analysis? (4mks)


2. A one-way ANOVA was run to find out whether participants have lost weight, 180 participants were assigned to one of 3 diets and after two months they were asked how many kilos they had lost. Assume that the normality assumption is satisfied. Use the output from Tables 4 to 8 to answer question 2.

2ai) Explain whether equal variances are assumed or not. (3mks)

  ii) What statistical analysis tool would have been done if the normality test has been violated? 


iii) Write a report on the ANOVA analysis including the post-hoc analysis. And describe the effect size if any. (Use Eta squared = (sum of squares of between groups)/(sum of squares total)) (10mks) 

bi) What is the appropriate statistical tool to use when you want to measure the relationship between one continuous variable and an artificial dichotomous variable? (2mks)

ii)Explain two assumptions to consider when using the correlational analysis. (3mks).

3a) Identify the most appropriate statistical tools for the following dataset (4mks)

A researcher conducted a study on the relationship between 85 respondents’ average hours worked per week and income on an ordinal scale. 

The Agro company wants to improve sales. Past sales data indicate that the average sale was Gh₵100 per transaction. After training its sales force, recent sales data (taken from a sample of 25 salesmen) indicates an average sale of Gh₵130, with a standard deviation of Gh₵15. Did the training work? 

A researcher is interested in comparing weights of males and females using a random sample of 300 females and another random sample of 100 males even though the distribution was not normally distributed. 

A research that seeks to investigate the test score of a student in an exams and various factors like focus while attending the class, his intake of food before the exam and the amount of sleep he gets before the exam.

bi) Explain three assumptions of the one-way Analysis of Variance (6mks).

ii) Explain two uses of correlation in education. (2mks)

iii) Differentiate between the nominal and ordinal scales of measurement. (4mks).

iv)Differentiate between paired and dependent samples t-tests with an example each. (4mks)





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