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Find a Title for the Case Study, in the format ‘Topic / problem / issue at Person / Firm / industry’. For example, Appraisal System at IBM India.


1. Choose a Topic that is most attractive in terms of understanding, uniqueness, mystery, ease of study, and availability of data/experts. Avoid controversial topics. 

2. Describe the Topic and problem area in 3 Paragraphs in one page. This will be the Problem Outline. This must contain key issues that you propose to pursue in the Study. It is not a part of the Case Study to be presented.

3. Find a Title for the Case Study, in the format ‘Topic / problem / issue at Person / Firm / industry’. For example, Appraisal System at IBM India.


Paragraph Styling and Spacing

The Paper shall be in 12’ font size (like this Paragraph), Times New Roman  (like this Note), be left-and-right justified, and in 1½ lines spacing. Paragraphs and Sections shall not be numbered.

Paragraph headings, shall be left justified, and be in bold (as shown for these Paragraphs). Allow a spacing of 3 lines before you begin a fresh Paragraph. A Paragraph need not have a heading.

Section headings shall be left justified, in UPPER CASE (capital letters) and also be in bold. Allow a spacing of 3 lines (double the line spacing) before you begin a fresh Section. A Section must have a heading suitably descriptive of its contents. A Section must have more than 2 paragraphs.


Structure of the Case Study


Write without bias. The Sections of Study are described below in their correct order:

Introduction: This is a description of the problem, the site or organisation and the principal characters in the Case Study. Not more 500 words.

Case Body: Narrate the tale, in chronological order. Write in the past tense. If you are reporting communications between people, do not involve too many characters. Let the characters freely express their emotions in the discussion so that the events are captured in true perspective. Avoid too much detail, for it leads to predictable solutions. Not more than 3000 words.

Questions: Generate not more than 5 questions based on the Study. The questions must be open-ended, and urge the reader to offer alternatives as solutions. Take care not to go beyond the conceptual parameters of the Case. Write so that the reader can understand on first reading. Avoid the use of jargon, unless they are already a part of the Case.

Teaching Notes: This is a guide for the teacher of the Case. There are four subsections. All subsection titles must be left justified, in normal size and be in bold. In Overview, you will describe the management issues covered, the industry and the firm (and its department, if any) within 2 paragraphs. In Application, you will describe the profile of the reader (graduation? Management student? Requirement of experience, etc) to whom the Study is best suited for. In Objectives of the Case, state the type of Case (Situation / Complex / Decision). List and describe 3-4 key objectives in terms of what concepts and issues it will introduce to the reader, and what is expected of him. In Teaching Suggestions, you may explain the formulae and solve numerical problems that may be needed for the Case. It may also be used to explain some of the concepts and issues that impact the Study of the Case.

References: This may serve to guide the Teacher towards reading matter that refers to the concepts and issues in the Study. These must be listed in alphabetic order of authors’ last names. For more details a good research journal. There shall be no line gaps between any two references, but each reference shall be printed on a fresh line.

Annexures: It is not necessary to provide annexures, unless they support the matter in Case Body.


Sections such as Acknowledgement and Section index (to Contents) are not necessary. All pages shall be numbered from Introduction to References. All graphs, boxes and tables shown shall be numbered in distinctive series from 1 onwards, have a descriptive title, and be referred to in the Text of the Case Study.




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