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Find published empirical research that provides a rationale for a relationship between these variables, and cite it using APA style


You are required to analyse data from the Course Survey. Your take-home test should consist of a 150-word interpretation of the results of your analysis. This must be submitted as a Word document on Moodle along with the associated SPSS output pasted in Word as an Appendix. The word count is firm, with no 10% leeway. Do not use gotflu with flushot or gotflu with year as your variables.


• Select two appropriate variables to conduct a chi-square from the Course Survey dataset.

• Find published empirical research that provides a rationale for a relationship between these variables, and cite it using APA style. The citation is included in the word count, but the reference is not.

• Use SPSS to conduct the chi-square.

• Write a 150-word description of your findings.

• Provide descriptive statistics for the variables you selected.

• State your null and research hypotheses.

• Verify the assumptions for a chi-squared test are met.

• Report and interpret the results:

• Report and interpret the results of the chi-square test including the appropriate percentages, χ2 value, degrees of freedom, and significance level (p value).

• Report the appropriate effect size and state the strength of the relationship.

• Copy the relevant SPSS output and paste it in Word as an Appendix after your 150-word writeup

• Include the word count of your write-up at the top of your document.

Marking checklist - 15 points in total:

1. Cites empirical research that provides a rationale for the hypothesised relationship using APA style – 2 points

2. Selects two appropriate variables for conducting a chi-square and provides appropriate descriptive statistics - 2 points

2. Provides a null hypothesis and a non-directional research hypothesis - 1 points

3. Checks assumptions accurately - 1 point

4. Reports and interprets the results of the chi-square using APA style (that is, χ 2 value, df, p value, decision regarding null hypothesis, Phi/Cramer’s V, notes strength of the association) - 6 points

5. Reports percentage of individuals in each cell – 1 point

5. Provides SPSS output that matches the statistics reported in the 150-word description – 2 points


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