Assignment overview
This assignment is about the interpretation of statistical results.
For the assignment, we will consider the associations of low birth weight with the mother’s history of hypertension, smoking status during pregnancy, age and mother’s weight at last menstrual period. You will not be required to perform any analysis; the analyses have been done and your task is to interpret the results. The assignment will focus on one key relationship under investigation, however you will be also be required to interpret some other associations that may be of interest.
Outcome variable The outcome variable to be used for the Module 3 Learning Activity and Assignment is
BWT, the continuous variable for birth weight in grams.
Exposure variables The primary exposure of interest is ht_f, the factor variable coding for history of hyper‐ tension.
Confounders Potential confounders of the association between birth weight and hypertension are:
‐ smoke_f, smoking status during pregnancy
‐ AGE, Mother’s age in years,
‐ LWT, Mother’s Weight in pounds at the last menstrual period.
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