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Java Programming

For this project, you will develop a Java program that will act as an RPN reverse polish notation calculator



You need to learn about top-down design and Stacks to do this assignment properly.


For this project, you will develop a Java program that will act as an RPN (reverse polish notation) calculator. To do this, you will have to use the stack class (stack of integers), together with a driver program which can handle the operations:

  • + add the top two items
  • * multiply the top two items
  • - subtract the top item from the next item
  • / integer divide the second item by the top item
  • % find the integer remainder when dividing the second item by the top item
  • m unary minus -- negate the top item
  • r exchange the top two items
  • d duplicate top item on stack
  • p print (to the screen) the top item
  • n print and remove the top item
  • f print all the contents of the stack (leaving it intact)
  • c clear the stack
  • q quit
  • h (or ?) print a help message

There is a (similar) standard RPN calculator called 'dc' (desk calculator) on almost all UNIX systems.


Your program will have keyboard input from the user of the program.

Example: (note: @ stands for typing a return)


   h @

   p  print top

   n  print top and remove

   d  duplicate top

   r  exchange top two items

   f  print contents of stack

   c  clear stack

   +  add

   -  subtract

   *  multiply

   /  integer divide

   %  integer remainder

   m  unary minus

   q  quit

   h,?  this help


   33 44 p @


   f @

     33 44 #

   r f @

     44 33 #

   r @

   n @


   d @

   f @

     33  33 #

   + p @


   21 * p @


   11 + p @


   17 / p @


   8 % p @


   m p @


   f @

     -2 #

   c @

   f @


   q @


The program must write all its output to standard output (the default standard output is the screen).



You will turn in two e-mail messages. Please follow these rules:

  • Always send me e-mail as plain text in the main message body.
  • Attach any Project files.
  • Always use the exact subject line I specify for each message. (I often get hundreds of e-mail messages in a week. The subject line allows me to find, filter and sort messages.) You will lose a significant number of points on the assignment if you use the wrong subject line.
  • Always send yourself a copy of each e-mail message you send to me, and check immediately to see if you receive the message intact. You are responsible for sending e-mail correctly.

Here is the list of things you have to turn in:

  1. At the start of class on the first due date email the following items:
    • A Flow Chart diagram of a High Level Solution for the problem.
    • A Skeletal Outline of the solution with adequate Comments.

Make sure all content is plainly readable and properly formatted.
Email your submission with the subject line: CS2500,prog3.1.

  1. Send the following item to me by e-mail before midnight on the second due date:

    Your final version of the source code, with subject line: CS2500,prog3.f.

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