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Hospital Management System It is desired to implement a computer system for managing the activities of a chain  of polyclinics.


Hospital Management System

It is desired to implement a computer system for managing the activities of a chain
 of polyclinics. The chain of polyclinics consists of several medical units, each
being characterized by name, address, description of the services offered and the
operating program, for each day of the week. The application will have to use a
MySQL / MSSQL database management system, and the interaction with it will only
be done through the graphical interface. The functionalities that the program
will offer concern operations related to the management of employees, the
financial-accounting service and the administration of current operations
within the polyclinics. (Management of scheduled patients, completion of a
 medical report, issuance of a fiscal voucher) (1). the application can be
accessed, based on an authentication process, by several types of users,
operating in the human resources, financial-accounting or medical departments.
For each type of user, information such as CNP, name, surname, address, telephone
number, email, IBAN account, contract number, date of employment, position held
within the chain of polyclinics will be retained. Each user will be able to view
their personal data immediately after accessing the computer system, without
having the possibility to modify them. At the same time, the program must also
provide a functionality for authentication, which returns to the window requesting
 access data, so that another user can use it later, without having to restart it.

The Administrator user can add, modify and delete information in the user database.
 There will also be a super-administrator role that can operate even on
administrator users. For an employed user, the negotiated salary and the number of
 hours that must be completed each month will be retained. The functions that can
be held within the chain of polyclinics are human resources inspector,
financial-accounting expert, receptionist, medical assistant and doctor,
corresponding to human resources departments, economic and medical respectively.
For a nurse, type (2) and grade (3) will be retained. For a doctor, the specialty or
specialties in which he / she performs his / her activity, grade (4), paraphrase
code, competences he / she has for performing procedures requiring special
accreditations4, scientific title5, teaching position6 will be retained. At the
same time, each doctor has negotiated a percentage of the medical services
performed, in addition to the negotiated salary. The chain of polyclinics offers
patients a set of medical services. Some of them are available for all specialties
 (consultation, different depending on the degree of doctor who performs it:
specialist, mayor, teacher / lecturer), others are specific to each specialty.
For an available medical service, it will specify the specialty of which it is a
member, the need for the competence of the doctor who performs it, the associated
 price and the duration (expressed in minutes).

The system will be made up of several modules that can be accessed by employees
depending on their rights. Thus, a module will be implemented for the management
of human resources aimed at managing the work program and employee leave, a
module for financial-accounting operations that determines the operating profit
as the difference between income (amounts collected for medical services) and
expenses (payments made to salaried employees) and a module for the management
of operational activities (scheduling patients for medical services and
registering them when they are presented in the medical clinic, issuing the tax
receipt by the receptionists, completing the medical reports by the nurses and

All these modules will be integrated within the same computer system, in the
form of menus that will contain the functionalities that they offer, but their
availability is limited by the permissions that the authenticated user has at
that time.

(2) The type of medical assistant can be: generalist, laboratory, radiology.
(3) The degree of a nurse can be secondary, principal.
(4) The degree of a doctor can be specialist, primary.
(4) Such procedures may be ultrasound, digestive endoscopy, echocardiography,
interventional cardiology, bronchoscopy, EEG, EMG, dialysis, laparoscopic
 surgery, thoracic surgery, spinal surgery, spinal surgery, extracorporeal
lithotripsy, CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging.
(5) It is not mandatory for a doctor to hold a scientific degree.
If the doctor holds such a degree, he may be: doctoral student or doctor in
medical sciences.
(6) It is not compulsory for a monk to hold a teaching post. If the doctor holds
such a position, he can be: trainer, assistant, head of works (lecturer),
lecturer, and teacher.

I. Through the human resources management module, an inspector can look for an
 employee (of any type), depending on the parameters he indicates: name,
surname, position. A work schedule will be specified for each employee, which
may be generic (same for a certain day of the week) or specific (for a certain
calendar date) (7). The schedule is characterized by the day to which it refers
(day of the week or calendar date), the time interval (the start time and the
end time), the location (the medical unit) in which it takes place. Also, for
each employee a period of leave can be specified, while he cannot provide
medical services.


The employees of the inspector type human resources and financial accounting expert have at their disposal a section where they can consult the weekly schedule and information about the holidays made. Receptionist employees, medical assistants and doctors can view the information provided by the human resources management module only regarding their own person (the schedule for the current month, for each day indicating the time interval and the location, also treating the situations in which they do not there is no specified work schedule or the employee is on leave). They will not be able to modify this information in any way.


II.In the module of accounting financial operations, an expert can view
information regarding the profit made by the chain of polyclinics, for the
 previous months in which they were registered activities. Profit is defined as
the difference between income and expenditure. Revenues are obtained for
payments made by patients following the provision of medical services, and
expenses are determined according to salaries (including doctors' commissions).
In the case of salaries, they are considered weighted by the number of hours
worked in that month, compared to the number of hours specified in the
employment contract for each individual employee. Also, reports will be
available on the profit made by each individual doctor, on each location
(medical unit) or on each specialty8. Any employee can view the wages obtained
in previous months. In addition, a physician may consult the profit he has
generated, calculated as the difference between the amounts received by the
chain of polyclinics from patients for the services provided and the amounts
representing his salary and commissions.



(7) If a generic and a specific schedule is specified for an employee, the
specific schedule takes precedence over the generic schedule, being considered
an exception to the rule.

III.In the module for the management of the operational activities a receptionist
 can carry out an appointment for a patient. An appointment is made only for a
later calendar date, at a certain time and for a doctor, specifying one or more
medical services to be provided (for each individual physician, only those
corresponding medical services can be selected the specialty or its specialties,
 for which it has the necessary competences), the duration of the consultation
being calculated as the sum of the time allocated for each procedure. For the
current day, a receptionist can register a patient when he or she presents at
the clinic. At the same time, the receptionist issues a fiscal receipt after
the consultation, including each medical service that was performed. A nurse
can complete information in the reports for the medical analyzes corresponding
to the patients who were registered for them. The result provided can be a
numeric value (relative to a reference range), respectively a positive / negative
 type binary. A report for medical analysis will be validated, after which it
cannot be modified, but will be available for consultation within the patient's
history. A doctor can view patients scheduled for him for the current calendar
day, a list in which those who were registered are highlighted. Also, for such
 a patient can be consulted the whole history, composed of previous medical
reports. For each patient consulted, the doctor will complete a medical report,
which will necessarily contain administrative information: the patient's first
 and last name, the name and surname of the doctor who performed the consultation
, the name and first name of the doctor who recommended the consultation
(optional), the name and the nurse's first name (optional), the date of the
consultation, as well as the following medical sections: history, symptoms,
investigations, diagnosis, recommendations. The investigation section will
include subsections for each medical service provided, the doctor having the
possibility to complete the obtained result. The doctor will also be able to
manage the list of medical services (addition, deletion), depending on the need
 / inability to perform certain procedures. When a medical report is complete,
it is initialized, so that later its modification is no longer possible, it can
be viewed within the patient's history.

The popularity of the database with information must be adequate in order to
illustrate the functionalities implemented. The files that contain examples for
the entities in the tables have the role of facilitating the documentation
process, but may not be taken into account when implementing them. The type of
generic schedule is possible for all employees. The specific schedule type
applies only to employees in the medical department. Also, only for this type
of employees the work program will include location information (medical unit).
It will be verified that the schedule of a doctor is in the operating program
of the location (medical unit) where he will provide consultations. Also, the
time interval corresponding to the scheduling of a patient (the time at which
the appointment is made together with the duration of the consultation) should
 not overlap with any other appointment (both doctor and patient).

(8) When calculating the profit for each specialty, only the incomes for the
medical services provided by the respective specialty will be taken into account,
 respectively the expenses with the salaries and commissions of the doctors who
 made them.


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