Assignment #3
1. Given the descriptive data presented in Table 1 (below), identify the mode and median of the Vigor scores of cancer patients.
a. Mode = ____________ [0.25 marks]
b. Median = ___________ [0.25 marks]
Table 1. Frequency Distribution of Scores on Vigor
Score Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
----- --------- ------- -------------
5 2 6.9 6.9
6 1 3.4 10.3
10 1 3.4 13.8
12 1 3.4 17.2
13 1 3.4 20.7
14 3 10.3 31.0
15 3 10.3 41.4
16 4 13.8 55.2
17 1 3.4 58.6
18 5 17.2 75.9
19 2 6.9 82.8
20 2 6.9 89.7
21 1 3.4 93.1
24 2 6.9 100.0
Total 29 100.0
For questions #2 to #4, select the appropriate phrase below that best describes the flaw, if any, in the research questionnaire item:
a. lacks clarity in wording
b. is biased in wording
c. contains overlapping responses
d. lacks sufficient alternatives from which to choose
e. no flaw; the item is acceptable as written
2. How many cigarettes do you smoke each day? [0.25 marks]
( ) None ( ) 10 to 15
( ) 1 to 5 ( ) 15 to 20
( ) 5 to 10 ( ) 20 or more
3. Don't you agree that all nurses should belong to the American Nurses Association (ANA)? [0.25 marks]
( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Not sure
4. When you are feeling stressed, who do you usually ask for help? [0.25 marks]
( ) spouse ( ) parent(s) ( ) child(ren) ( ) sibling
For Questions #5 to #11 [0.5 Marks each]
5. A researcher tested the hypothesis that Tx A would be more effective than Tx B. Statistical analysis revealed that the difference between the treatments was in the direction predicted and p = .064 (1-tailed). What should the researcher do with the null hypothesis (that there is no difference between Tx A and Tx B )?
a. reject the null, because the data are significant
b. reject the null, because the data are not significant
c. accept the null, because the data are significant
d. accept the null, because the data are not significant
6. If a researcher accepts a null hypothesis as true (based on the statistical data analysis), when in fact, it is really false, the researcher is making:
a. no error
b. a Type I error
c. a Type II error
d. both Type I & II errors
7. A researcher tested the hypothesis that Variable X and Variable Y would be positively related. Statistical analysis revealed that the correlation between X and Y is positive and p = .0061 What should the researcher do with the research hypothesis (that there is a positive relationship between X and Y)?
a. Accept the research hypothesis, because the data are not significant
b. Accept the research hypothesis, because the data are significant
c. Reject the research hypothesis, because the data are not significant
d. Reject the research hypothesis, because the data are significant
8. The researcher is concerned about the risk of Type II error in his study. He decides to minimize the risk by setting beta at .10 instead of .20. What affect, if any, does this decision have on the statistical power? The statistical power:
a. is increased
b. is decreased
c. is unaffected
d. can’t be determined.
9. The housing director at a college puts all 525 resident freshman names into a lottery and randomly selects the 150 students who will be offered rooms in the new freshman dorm. This is an example of which type of sampling procedure?
a. simple random
b. stratified random
c. clustered random
d. convenience
¬¬10. Snowball sampling is an example of which type of sampling procedure?
a. simple random
b. stratified random
c. probability
d. non-probability
11. A researcher failed to acquire the needed sample size (N = 85) for a power of .80 with a moderate effect size. Given that the final sample of 60 yielded a statistical power of.70, which of the following statements would be true?
a. the effect size must be larger than anticipated
b. the p-level should be calculated as 2-tailed
c. the alpha risk is less than .05
d. the beta risk is .30
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