Part A – Progress Report
1. Current Situation
In order to fulfil the criteria of the project's theme, five goals were originally established to be achieved. Two of these tasks have been accomplished. The completed goals are listed below:
• To study the relevant navigation algorithm to understand the accuracy and efficiency.
• To study the routes of Stratford centre.
Despite the fact that the dataset for the project has not yet been finished, this is because the data volume needed for the analysis is quite large, and as a consequence, an enormous quantity of data is necessary in order to get the desired result. Aside from this, the research that is associated with the navigation algorithms is still being conducted, and further information is continuously being gathered about the subject in order to obtain a deeper comprehension of the algorithms
The project is now still in its preliminary stages, where information and research on navigation algorithms are ongoing. Additional research is still needed, however, given the topic's importance to data visualisation and its potential to provide navigation algorithms a competitive advantage. With the aid of the python libraries, the project is utilising the Jupyter notebook to do the analysis, which involves rudimentary route visualisation using the initial data.
2. Problem areas
As stated in the original report, the most difficult aspect of the project is locating the appropriate dataset too analyse. In addition to this issue, the possible problem might be:
1. The inability to locate the necessary functions that will be used in the project.
2. The data may be unreliable, poorly organised, lacking in certain node values, or have text values in lieu of numerical ones. All of these issues are possible.
When working with the analysis, difficulties like these that are connected to the dataset might be substantial obstacles. Due to the fact that these issues lead to deceptive analysis, which is detrimental to the output that is desired and hence produces incorrect findings, Despite the fact that there are existing solutions to this issue, it has not yet been planned to include such answers into the project.
3. Key work during the next period
During this phase of the project, which is now underway, the vast bulk of the work will be completed. The process for the project is outlined in the chart and timetable that can be seen below
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