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In this Assignment, you will conduct a meta-analysis based on a specific scenario


Meta-analyses attempt to synthesize the findings of individual research in order to arrive at a conclusion about the body of research that may provide additional insight. This requires an understanding of the individual research goals and outcomes to best offer any new supportive or conflicting viewpoints.

When conducted properly, the meta-analysis incorporates an increased numbers of subjects or observations/measurements, greater diversity among those subjects, and/or accumulated effects and results. Because of this, meta-analysis conclusions can be statistically stronger than the analysis of any single study. 

In this Assignment, you will conduct a meta-analysis based on a specific scenario


Review the document Meta-Analysis Assignment Guidelines and Scenarios located in the module Learning Resources. This document contains instructions for completing the assignment, as well applicable scenarios with data.

Select one of the scenarios and the correspondent SPSS dataset to conduct the meta-analysis using SPSS.

Follow the instructions in the above document to appropriately analyze the data. 


Submit the following:

A description of the conclusion of your meta-analysis based on the calculated overall effect size regarding the scenario’s public health issue.

A comparison of the difference between your analysis’ overall effect size and the effect sizes of the studies included in the meta-analysis. Include an explanation of the difference.

Submit your descriptions and justification in a Word document, and your output as an SPSS file.




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