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In this assignment you are required to create a Web application based upon the game Wheel of Fortune (a UK game show resembling Hangman).



In this assignment you are required to create a Web application based upon the game Wheel of Fortune (a UK game show resembling Hangman). The game is to be designed for one player who plays against the computer.

Your version of the game should involve the player trying to guess what the word or phrase is by entering a letter/character at a time. Each time the player enters a guess, the computer should return feedback relating to what letters are correct and where in word/phrase they exist. If the player correctly guesses all of the letters/characters before running out of turns they win. Use the link above to find out more about the game and its rules.

DO NOT use Rails (or any other type of programming language). Only use the template provided.


Developing the game

The assessment is to be completed in two stages: Stage 1 involves the design of the game; and Stage 2 involves the implementation (coding) of a Web-based version of the game using Ruby and Sinatra. At each stage, the building blocks you created in the earlier assignment can be used as part of the design and implementation.


Stage 1 assesses your knowledge and skills in designing Web applications before starting to write code. Whilst aspects of the game have already been started for you in the form of building blocks, your design solution should represent the algorithm(s) implementing the game’s rules, the look to feel of the game showing the interactive aspects (screen layout, interactive process, information flow), and the features to be implemented. Having been introduced to several design techniques during the course, any algorithm(s) should take the form of flow charts or pseudo code (structured English), and the interactive aspects should take the form of storyboards, state diagrams, screen mock-ups and/or page flows representing how the game will work.

Note: Your design of the game is to take the form of a report. Your design may contain more features than you plan to implement. In such cases extras marks can be awarded.


Stage 2: assesses your knowledge and skills in implementing Web applications using Ruby and Sinatra based on the design you created in stage 1.

You are not expected to develop a new game from the start. Instead, you are required to implement the Web-based version of the game by using the template provided. Building blocks already developed in stage 1 may also be used. 

IMPORTANT: To help you get started the files you must use are already provided. DO NOT rename or use any other files. However ensure you make copies of these files regularly as a backup.

wad_wof_gen_01.rb     contains the code which passes the tests

wad_wof_run_01.rb      contains the game engine code

wad_wof_spec_01.rb    contains the test specification which your code should pass

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