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R Programming

In your earlier studies the sympatric species of tree frog Agalychnis callidryas (red-eyed tree frog)


In your earlier studies the sympatric species of tree frog Agalychnis callidryas (red-eyed tree frog) and A. spurrelli (gliding tree frog), you read about the study by Kerry et al. (2022) who measured the length and width, of egg masses (to the closest 0.1mm) collected in a forested wetland on the Osa Peninsula, Corcovado National Park, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica during July 2017. Now, we would like to explore the relationship between these two continuous variables, and see if this relationship differs between the two species.


In my hasty analysis of this data, I have used the commands (below) in R to create a simple (but ugly and uninformative) graph of the relationship between egg mass length and width. Note that there is nothing that distinguishes what species laid which eggs in this graph!


> frogs <- read.csv(“frog_fecundity.csv”, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

> attach(frogs)

> jpeg("myhastycorrelation.jpg", width=240, height=240, units="px")

> plot(M_width ~ M_length)

> dev.off()


For this assignment, your grade (out of 10) will be based on how well you:

Produce a single visually-appealing graph displaying the relationship between egg mass length and egg mass width that distinguishes between the two species of frogs. This includes formatted axes and meaningful labels (2pts).

Provide a well-written figure legend for both your graph that includes the slope and intercept of the A. callidryas and A. spurrelli linear regressions, and their statistical significance (3pts).

Report (in an accompanying paragraph) the results of minimum adequate model for your statistical test of the hypothesis that frogs of different species lay egg masses of different widths (while taking egg mass length into account). Be sure to include information relevant to your analysis (i.e. tests of normality, homogeneity of variance etc.., and/or any relevant transformation(s) you performed) (4pts).

Provide a list of the R codes used to generate your graph and calculate your statistics. (1pts).



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