The purpose of this assignment is to get you into SPSS. I realize you have had some exposure to it so this will be another chance to get your hands in data again. This assignment will also be a way to get you thinking about your research question and what is the best way to answer it.
You will turn in
a. The Word document (8pts)
b. Your SPSS data file. (20pts)
4. The data below represent gender, position and years of service. Please answer the questions that follow
Gender Position years of service
male professor 1
female lecturer 3
female adjunct 5
female adjunct 6
male adjunct 8
male professor 4
male professor 12
male professor 10
male professor 5
female professor 6
female professor 45
female adjunct 4
male adjunct 23
male professor 35
male professor 36
female professor 30
male adjunct 22
male adjunct 23
male adjunct 25
male adjunct 12
female professor 10
male professor 15
male professor 16
male adjunct 14
male adjunct 18
male adjunct 17
female adjunct 19
female lecturer 25
female adjunct 36
female adjunct 40
female adjunct 23
female lecturer 12
female lecturer 23
female lecturer 23
female adjunct 25
female adjunct 26
female lecturer 12
female lecturer 12
male lecturer 14
a. Input the data into SPSS by creating variable columns
b. Indicate the numeric label you created for males and females
0= males, 1 = females – recommend having a 0 if you are going to be doing regression and the 0 should represent what everything is compared against. Will discuss that later on when we do regression.
c. Indicate the numeric label you created for position
0= professor, 1 = lecturer, 2= adjunct
d. Do a case summary for each of the items below and copy and paste the table to this word document.
i. All the data (2pts)
ii. Females (2pts) - you must split the file to see females and males
iii. Males (2pts)
iv. Adjunct, lecturer and professor regardless of gender (2pts)
e. I want you to compute a variable called salary given the years of service. You will calculate the salary for each individual by multiplying the years of service by the base starting salary of 30,000. (I hope this makes sense, if not we can chat about it)
f. Recode the variable of years of service into three categories: New, Been here, & long haulers
g. Nothing to add to the file on this one just make sure you know how to select cases, once we start doing some descriptive data we will come back to this tool. It is very helpful.
h. Save your SPSS file as Assignment2Chp3_4 and submit this Word document AND the SPSS file to Canvas
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