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Information on presence or absence (yes or no) of two characteristics A and B is available for several individuals. The data are stored in file ‘ExamEx2.dat’.



Exercises for Handout 10 material: Explain the reason for selecting the correct answer, as well as the reason for NOT selecting EACH of the wrong answers.

  • Quiz for Chapter 8 in the textbook: Questions 1 – 6.
  • A00-201 Practice Exam: Question 94 and 97.

And the following

Exercise 1. For the data in file ‘ExamEx1.xls’, produce a report identical to the one in file ‘Report_Ex1.html’.


Exercises for Handout 11 material: Explain the reason for selecting the correct answer, as well as the reason for NOT selecting EACH of the wrong answers.

  • Quiz for Chapter 8 in the textbook: Questions 7 – 10.
  • A00-201 Practice Exam: Questions 95 and 101.
  • A00-211 Practice Exam: Questions 16 and 57.

And the following

Exercise 2. Information on presence or absence (yes or no) of two characteristics A and B is available for several individuals. The data are stored in file ‘ExamEx2.dat’. Compute the number of individuals who have

(a) characteristic A

(b) characteristic B

(c) only characteristic A

(d) only characteristic B

(e) both characteristics

(f) neither characteristic

(g) either characteristic

Hint: Construct a two-way table of A by B.


Exercises for Handout 12 material: Explain the reason for selecting the correct answer, as well as the reason for NOT selecting EACH of the wrong answers.

  • Quiz for Chapter 12 in the textbook: Questions 1 – 10.
  • A00-201 Practice Exam: Questions 1, 17, 18, 19, 20, 62, and 63.
  • A00-211 Practice Exam: Questions 7, 40, 53, 56 and 70.


Exercises for Handout 13 material: Explain the reason for selecting the correct answer, as well as the reason for NOT selecting EACH of the wrong answers.

  • Quiz for Chapter 14 in the textbook: Questions 1 – 10.
  • A00-201 Practice Exam: Questions 5, 38, 84, 85, 86, 87, and 117.
  • A00-211 Practice Exam: Questions 9, 26, and 39.


Exercises for Handout 14 material: Explain the reason for selecting the correct answer, as well as the reason for NOT selecting EACH of the wrong answers.

  • Quiz for Chapter 15 in the textbook: Questions 1 – 10.
  • A00-201 Practice Exam: Questions 44, 45, 46, 47, and 116.
  • A00-211 Practice Exam: Questions 4, 34, and 47.

and the following

Exercise 3. Patients underwent knee replacement surgeries for one or both knees. The data record patient id, the replaced knee number (1 or 2), and satisfaction scores pre-operatively, one day, one week, and one month after the surgery. The data are


Patient      Knee       Score     Score at      Score at      Score at

    ID       Number    Pre-op    one day      one week   one month

    01           1               0              5                7                 10

    02           1               0            10              15                 15

    02           2               3              5                8                 10

    03           1               0              3                3                   3

    03           2               0              6                9                   9

    04           1               0              4              10                 10


(a) Use the ARRAY statement to create a data set containing satisfaction scores for knee 1. The data set should look like this                

                                      id    visit    score


                                      01      1         0

                                      01      2         5

                                      01      3         7

                                      01      4        10

                                      02      1         0

                                      02      2        10

                                      02      3        15

                                      02      4        15

                                      03      1         0

                                      03      2         3

                                      03      3         3

                                      03      4         3

                                      04      1         0

                                      04      2         4

                                      04      3        10

                                      04      4        10


 (b) Use the ARRAY statement to create a data set containing satisfaction scores for knee 2. The data set should look like this                         

                                      id    visit    score

                                      02      1         3

                                      02      2         5

                                      02      3         8

                                      02      4        10

                                      03      1         0

                                      03      2         6

                                      03      3         9

                                      03      4         9

(c) Use the MERGE statement to create the merged file that looks like this

                                                score_    score_

                               id     visit      knee1     knee2

                               01    pre_op        0         .

                               01    day 1         5         .

                               01    week 1        7         .

                               01    month 1      10         .

                               02    pre_op        0         3

                               02    day 1        10         5

                               02    week 1       15         8

                               02    month 1      15        10

                               03    pre_op        0         0

                               03    day 1         3         6

                               03    week 1        3         9

                               03    month 1       3         9

                               04    pre_op        0         .

                               04    day 1         4         .

                               04    week 1       10         .

                               04    month 1      10         .

(d) Turn in your SAS code as well as the output it produces.


Exercises for Handout 15 material: Explain the reason for selecting the correct answer, as well as the reason for NOT selecting EACH of the wrong answers.

  • Quiz for Chapter 13 in the textbook: Questions 1 – 5.
  • A00-201 Practice Exam: Questions 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 59, 77, 79, 80, 81, and 83.
  • A00-211 Practice Exam: Questions 2, 38, and 45.


Exercises for Handout 16 material: Explain the reason for selecting the correct answer, as well as the reason for NOT selecting EACH of the wrong answers.

  • Quiz for Chapter 13 in the textbook: Questions 6 – 10.
  • A00-201 Practice Exam: Questions 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, and 82.
  • A00-211 Practice Exam: Questions 33, 37, 46, and 54.


Also, do

  • A00-201 Practice Exam: Questions 2, 4, 6, 22, 23, 36, and 105.
  • A00-211 Practice Exam: Questions 18, 28, and 63.

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