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Lael Masterson works in the Student Activities Office at Valerian State College in Illinois.



1. Lael Masterson works in the Student Activities Office at Valerian State College in Illinois. Lael has started compiling information on students who are interested in helping run student organizations at Valerian State, and she needs your help completing the workbook.

Switch to the Student Representatives worksheet. In cell E2, enter a formula using the HLOOKUP function as follows to determine a student's potential base hourly rate (which is based on the number of years of post-secondary education):

a. Use a structured reference to look up the value in the Post-Secondary Years column. Retrieve the value in the 2nd row of the table in the range P13:U14, using an absolute reference. Because base hourly rate is tiered based on the number of years of education, find an approximate match.

b. Fill the formula into the range E3:E31, if necessary.

2. Student organizations sometimes require transportation for off-campus activities, and school policy requires students to be over 23 years old to serve as transport.

Lael wants to determine how many of the active students will be eligible to transport other group members. In cell J2, enter a formula using the IF function and structured references as follows to determine if Kay Colbert can serve as authorized transport:

a. The function should use a reference to the Age column to determine if the student's age is greater than 23, and should return the text Yes if true and No if false.

b. Fill the formula into the range J3:J31, if necessary.

3. To be eligible for the leadership training program offered by the office, a student must have at least 2 years of post-secondary education or have gone through the organization finance training. 

In cell K2 enter a formula using the IF and OR functions and structured references as follows to determine if Kay Colbert can join the leadership training program:

a. The IF function should determine if the student's Post-Secondary Years is greater than or equal to 2 OR if the student's finance certified status is "Yes", returning the text Yes if a student meets one or both of those criteria or the text No if a student meets neither of those criteria.

b. Fill the formula into the range K3:K31, if necessary.

4. Experienced students may serve as mentors if they are at least age 21 and have at least 3 years of post-secondary education. In cell L2, enter a formula using the IF and AND functions and structured references as follows to determine if Kay Colbert is eligible to serve as a mentor:

a. The IF function should determine if the student's age is greater than or equal to 21 AND the student's post-secondary years are greater than or equal to 3, and should return the text Yes if a student meets both of those criteria or the text No if a student meets none or only one of those criteria.

b. Fill the formula into the range L3:L31, if necessary.

5. Lael is always on the lookout for students who might be interested in running for office in student groups.

In cell M2, enter a formula using a nested IF function and structured references as follows to determine first if a student has already been elected to office in a student group, and if not, whether that student meets the qualifications to run in the future:

a. If the value in the Elected column is equal to the text "Yes", the formula should display Elected as the text.

b. Otherwise, the formula should determine if the value in the Finance Certified column is equal to the text "Yes" and return the text Yes if true And No if false.

6. Students who work with student organizations are also considered for employment at the Student Activities Office. Students with more than 4 years of post-secondary education are qualified for more complex Tier 2 jobs.

In cell N1, enter the text Tier as the column heading. 

7. In cell N2, enter a formula using the IF function and structured references as follows to determine which work tier Kay Colbert is qualified for:

a. The IF function should determine if the student's Post-Secondary Years is greater than or equal to 4, and return the value 2 if true or the value 1 if false.

b. Fill the formula into the range N3:N31, if necessary.

8. Lael wants a quick way to look up students by their Student ID.

In cell Q3, nest the existing VLOOKUP function in an IFERROR function. If the VLOOKUP function returns an error result, the text Invalid Student ID should display.

9. Lael wants to determine several totals and averages for active students.

In cell Q8, enter a formula using the COUNTIF function and structured references to count the number of students who have been elected to offices in student organizations.

10. In cell R8, enter a formula using the AVERAGEIF function and structured references to determine the average number of post-secondary years for students who have been elected.

11. In cell R9, enter a formula using the AVERAGE function and structured references to determine the average number of years of post-secondary education of all students as shown in the Post-Secondary Years column.



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