In this two player game, each player takes it in turn to place a chosen mark “symbol” (for example: X or O) into one of the empty spaces in a grid by choosing the number of row and column of that empty space. The first player who gets three of his/her symbols in a line horizontally, vertically or diagonally wins the game. If the whole grid was populated by the two player’s symbols, there will be no winner.
You’ll need to use a two dimensional list in this program to present the grid, let the size of the grid to be 4x4. The grid will be initialized with underscores ‘_’ for all the 16 values as shown below.
1 2 3 4
1| _ _ _ _
2| _ _ _ _
3| _ _ _ _
4| _ _ _ _
At the beginning, let each player enter his/her name and the mark (symbol) he/she choose to play with. After that, they will take turns to choose the location in the grid to place his/her symbol.
After each player choose the position to put his/her symbol. The following need to be checked.
1- Has the location been populated or not? If yes, ask the player to choose another location. 2- If the location has not been populated, check if the current player is a winner or not.
The game will be kept going until one of the players win or until the grid will be fully populated by the symbols of the 2 players
At the beginning of the game and after each player complete entering his/her name and symbol, the empty grid should be printed
At the end of each player turn, the new grid need to be printed
Technical requirements:
Create a function to check if a player is winner or
The project must have a two dimensional list initialized as shown previously. 3- Exception handling must be involved in the
No need to ask the players if they want to play again
Make sure to choose conventional names for the variables, functions and
Output sample
Enter Player 1 name: Adam Enter Player 2 name: Ali Enter Player 1 symbol: x Enter Player 2 symbol: o
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ Adam's turn:
Enter the row number [1 to 4]1 Enter the column number [1 to 4]1 x _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ Ali's turn:
Enter the row number [1 to 4]2 Enter the column number [1 to 4]2 x _ _ _
_ o _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
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